my best friend passed away on March 8th, 2025. The grief is destroying me. I don’t know how to cope with her death.
I’m struggling : my best friend passed... - Major Depressive ...
I’m struggling

Hi to deal with that is pray because you and god knows she's was a good best friend and you and her was like sister's and you have to think on the memories yawl had i remember when my grandma had died and i had the same thing like i loss my best friend and i know she's in a better place but think on the good memories yawl had it will get better and i always keep your head up and stay prayed up may god continue to bless you and your family 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
also feel free to dm me anytime u want to talk I'm here as well
I am really sorry about your best friend. I don’t know how to get through that but when I am grieving a loss it helps to cry as often as you feel the pain. Keeping your grief inside slows down the healing process. Also talking about the person helps when you’re ready. Sending a hug and a flower to you. 🫂🌹
So sorry to hear that god bless your dearest friend. We have a berevement forum here called bereavement care and share it might be of added support to you.
I am so sorry for your loss🥺💙
I’m so sorry for the pain you’re going through. Grief is such a weight one that reminds us of the love we had and punishes us for it. Whenever I’ve lost someone important to me, I made a point to spend time in the environment they felt most at home. If your friend liked the ocean for example, I’d recommend spending an afternoon by the water.
Only time will alleviate this pain.
Hi cat mama. One of my best friends died yesterday and I become very sad and tearful when I think that she will never brighten my life again. But I do have the memories of when she did. We have pictures of our granddaughter in the living room and we change them out every so often. I had three pictures up from my 65th birthday last year. I decided to put up some pictures of our friend group (which included my friend who passed away) and a picture taken several years ago of her smiling widely. I had to put that one up because it reminds me so much of her personality. There were four of us and I am thankful that I still have my other two friends. We went out to lunch monthly for quite a while. My friend had a long battle with cancer and I knew that she had at the most five years to live but the cancer over took her body in three years. Perhaps you could call some other friends and talk to them about it too. It also helps that I have a therapist and I will be talking to her about it in our next session. Also, please feel free to contact me.
Hun, I know exactly how you feel. My best friend of 21 years died and no one told me to come say my good byes I found out she had passed away. I cried my eyes out why? why? didn't someone tell me the cancer spread and why did I have to find out on Facebook? And today I hurt and wished I had told her I loved her she knew I did but the idea of not being there hurts the most because I was slapped in the face with this I had no clue. But 1 thing you have to remember she would want you to go on with your life as normal she wouldn't want to see you get sick with grief. People done know this but I really believe that griefing inside will literaly kill you slowly. But Im sending you prayers and remember she maybe gone but no one can ever not ever take away the memories you both shared and made for years. I'm sorry for your loss God put your arms around CatMomma1220 and help with the griefing AMEN.
I am so sorry that this happened to you. Yesterday morning I called my friend's husband to see if I could come over and visit her. I have been visiting fairly frequently since I found out she was dying imminently. He said I have sad news she passed away this morning. I don't know how long it would've been before I found out if I hadn't called. I did have a mutual acquaintance text me later on in the day to tell me. I am so sorry you found out through Facebook. That must've been horrific.
I am so sorry to hear this and grieve for your loss.
From my own experiences don't worry about coping at the moment. Just concentrate on getting through minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day. That's enough at the moment.
I found it helped me to talk about them with others who loved them too and this will come when you are ready. We all have to go through the stages of grief when a loved one passes and this is normal.
Meanwhile don't expect much of yourself or let others do it either. You are mourning and that's ok.
My sister passed around the same time and it’s been so hard.
Hello C,You have my deepest heart felt condolences. My best friend died of covid in 2020. You could hear me cry in the next state. I know ur grief.