Last night, I spent many hours not sleeping and ended up on the computer, as usual. I think I slept a total of two hours and have been exhausted all day.My brain doesn't want to shut down. I have a CPAP machine because my doctor says I have sleep apnea. I also have a sound machine and a fan going, but I still worry the whole night and cannot sleep. Does this happen to anyone else and what do you do to fix it?
I am very new and, so far, everyone h... - Major Depressive ...
I am very new and, so far, everyone has been very kind. Anyone else have trouble sleeping?
I have trouble sleeping too. I have to sleep with oxygen. My brain gets busy making it worse. First, turn off the computer at night, no peeking. It keeps your brain buzzing. Turn on the tv and set a timer for 30 min and turn on the most boring show keep the volume low, and eat a little something mellow, a couple of crackers or a piece of fruit. It is easier to fall asleep when you're not hungry- don't eat anything big, spicy, or too much liquid as you don't want acid reflux. If you still need to calm your brain do something simple, get a coloring book with big easy shapes and color. it can really give you a mellow right brain activity and let the anxiety rest. Cover your scars so you won't be triggered. Take your meds and stop yourself from thinking the negative stuff. focus on the calm. you have to train yourself to sleep, don't let the dark thoughts win. - good luck.
Thank you!
Hi FilmNerd, If your screen name means you're a film lover, me too!
I have problems getting myself to bed too, and occasionally sleep issues. I shut my mind down when I'm in bed by playing an audiobook. Something involving but not shocking. (Mr. Mercedes was a bad idea.)
I take melatonin a bit before I go to bed. That helps me sleep. I found regular melatonin helped me fall asleep, but I'd soon wake up, so I switched to time-release and that made the difference.
I'm not a doctor, so check with yours before making changes.
Oh, I've heard a screen's blue light interferes with sleep. There are settings to fix that, and glasses to help too.
I hope things improve soon.
Thank you...I am actually and movie writer of sorts. I have a movie blog and, yes, I am a big film nerd.
I didn't know about the blue light interferes with sleep. Good to know!

What kind of films appeal to you? Maybe you can suggest a couple good ones I've missed?
I'm mostly familiar with old films, from silents through the forties.📽️
It's great having a writer around. Welcome!
Hi Nothing_but_books....I will send you a link to my movie blog. For August, I'm writing a list of my favorite Romance movies. I try to write one post each day. I am also writing my own short story/screenplay but it is taking awhile. I see you like books. I love to read books that have been turned into movies!
I have had terrible insomnia for the past 3 years. It’s really affected my mental and physical health.
I left a very abusive relationship and it still haunts me. Anxiety, MDD cPTSD
I have tried different medications and supplements. Nothing really works long term and I have just given up on it.
I am at a huge loss.
I had trouble again last night as well. I am begining to think it night be more medical than they originally thought. My last doctor thought it was no big deal. is to me. I understand what you are going through.
Hi! Insomnia weakens me. It is such a burden to get anything done because I’m exhausted. If you find helpful information to solve this problem will you please tell me?