so sorry to write again about same thing but im still unsure whether to start my new meds of AZATHIOPRIN ,i was given great advice from members on this site reguarding side effects ;the main one that worries me is that it can lower your W.B.C. but mine is ALWAYS low and then id have to come off it,wait and then go back on etc.
ive phoned GP surgery twice for my blood test result to see if i can tolerate new med but they waiting result yet had bloods taken same day i saw my consultant on 14th december?
i saw my lupus nurse and she had to get advice from my lupus specialist whom was on duty that day,she came back with " she cant believe your symtoms need more meds,but try these" im upset as i wouldnt lie, i often cry myself to sleep as my whole body aches,my skin stings and visual migraines etc etc are getting me down. my lupus has gotten slowly worse over the 7yrs and my flares last for months at a time.
ive given up going to my GP as not one of the GPs know enough about lupus to help and tell me to wait to see my lupus specialist; but she talks over me, tutts , and has said "some of my other patients are worse than you and i dont help them" and she has given me prescriptions before (anti-depressants) but ive googled them and chosen not to take them and shes said in a loud stern voice that ive wasted NHS time and money!! but i never "got" meds and i pay for my prescriptions!? she intimidates me.
im due to see her in febuary but in genuienly scared,i cant ask my hubby to come in with me as he is upset that im not any better in 7yrs and i know he would raise his voice in there.
at my last GP appt for my dodgey mole the GP had to pop out the room for a min and i took a quick look at the screen (it is MY info after all?- felt naughty doing it tho) and my lupus specialist said "she prefers to self medicate" !!!!!!!!! NO IM AFRAID TO PUT MORE DRUGS IN MY ALREADY KNACKERED BODY!! i have told her that, yeah im a whimp and prescriptions cost money that we dont have, we live hand to mouth now..............dont know what to do........wish i could go to sleep and never wake up.