Ok, im suppose to have mild lupus..I also am hypothyroid.....Rhumetologist last visit in january said my lupus isnt very active (Dont come back unless...)Im not on meds for my lupus now...Im only on synthroid for my thyroid.
*SO, in this last week i have noticed the veins in my hands have super popped out, and even up my arms a bit...Its mostly my right hand on the top ...Im not hot, and im well hydrated...I feel a slight pinching feeling, but not bad....it just looks like Im the incredible hulk with popped out veins...I have also noticed one of my feet burns, but mostly at night...Ive made an appointment with my GP, but its like a week away...
The only thing different in my life is we lost a family member in a very sad way last month, and my best friend is fighting cancer....So stress, yes!
With my thyroid last test i think my T3 was very low, but not out of range yet...
BUT, can you get a vein thing with lupus?