Hello everyone!
I've been getting increasingly worried about brain fog. I am constantly forgetting words and I don't seem to be able to remember multiple things at the same time (like long lists of things to do, either at home or work). I can think to myself "I need to go to town to get x item" and then 30 seconds later it'll fall out of my brain.
My work doesn't help because I have a pretty complex job anyway and requests are coming at me all the time (brain fog meets hyperactive people). My 'to do' list doesn't seem to keep up. It makes me feel pretty overwhelmed.
I was hosting an online meeting at work the other day and I felt like my brain was covered in a cloud, and it took me a while to sort out the tech functions (like setting up the system or getting break out rooms right etc...I even managed to not send out the email right so that people joined in the wrong place). I wish my workplace would stop asking me to do admin things as that isn't my job, but I'm fairly sure it would be a breeze for someone else.
I'd like to think it is because I have too much to do (which I do) but it's the same when I've had periods of not being in work.
I'm 58, have lupus/APS and have had three bouts of Covid which has affected me in different ways. The Covid has definitely made the brain fog worse.
I'm frustrated because I am actually really well qualified, experienced and bright, and this is making me feel like a dunderhead.
Any advice or things I can do?