hello luppy buddies,
im having a moan as im exhausted from fighting for help. I usually see my rhuemmy every 6 months, sometimes this changes to a 9 month apt gap due to the hospital changing dates but now its January 14 so that will be a 11 month wait!?
ive had the most awful summer, my flare began shortly after a chest infection in feb this year, march was the beginning of day and night sweats; my body will "heat up" from within within a second and the sweat will pour like a tap, my clothes were soaked through (sorry) its humiliating to say the least as even standing in a shady breezy spot outside it doesn't ease? yet my skin is warm/cool to touch.
visual headaches, shaking, nausea, legs stumble, fat fingers,depression, brain fog...... to name a few I still had to live with. two apts with GP were fruitless as were told to wait to see my rhuemmy as they didn't know enough about lupus to help me (written their names on my calendar so I never see them again) the hospital has a new apt system where you no longer know when your next apt is,they post it to you 6 wks before. whereas it used to be given by receptionist after you had seen your rhuemmy.
anyway, I finally managed to get a contact number from GP surgery to contact my lupus nurse, all she said is they are extremely busy and as I had managed this flare alone and had started to feel better theres no need to bring apt forward!! well, I cried and cried. 7 months of hell ive been through and no one gives a monkeys!
I don't know who to turn to to, the only GP in my surgery who knew about lupus has now retired and we have now merged with 4 other surgeries so there are always new GP's who I don't know, ive asked the receptionist who is best for lupus care but never can get an apt with him.
I cannot go through another summer like this again, ive barely kept my job, all overtime has been taken away as im unreliable. im struggling to keep bills paid and now its another winter without heating again, great when I have raynaulds. really cant take much more.
all I get told is " its lupus, adapt and live with every new symptom"
feeling so down, depression is hard to live with. ive truely had enough of lupus and the ignorant people who judge me as "i look so well".......yeah rite cause my hair is tied back in just a way so to hide the thin patches and my foundation hides my purple blotches and im writing list after list as i cant remember a thing!!!! GRRRRRRR
a sad caninecrazy x