My question is has anyone taken a rep with them to the tribunal, they offer that you can but who should this kind person be??? I am getting info from CAB etc but as of yet havent found the answers.
Also what do the 2 doctors and 1 lawyer want i already gave them letters from my docs/gp/my account/my husband telling how it affects me and my daaily life is that what they want or me to write about the mistakes in the assessment i dont want to insult them after all, i feel as thou this is last chance and i dont want to blow it for not having the right letters.
I am going to the first tier of tribunal, which fills me with horror after all the assessment was a complete farce eg they said i didnt show any tremors which would be a miracle because ive had that( and it is worse under pressure for the last 26 yrs). They said i take anti depressants minamal dose which i would think is a good thing and then said i dont receive treatment for it well i did last year on the nhs but i got 6 sessions and that was that, there is only so much money to go around and im not going to harm myself and i do get fed up but who dosnt perticularly when you have to point out all the things you could do before you became ill for me its mixed connective tissue disease which is a weird mix of lupus etc etc.
Sorry about the rant but we are at their mercy which drives me nuts....
thanks for listening well reading..