Finally got through on the phone to my GP [am home with a really bad dose of the flu].I needed my x-ray results,hence the phone call.I was told no better but,no worse.Of course,that does'nt make any difference to the pain.I am now being prescribed a disolvable codein based pill as the other pain-killers are not helping still,at least I finally managed to speak to my GP.Yet more pills to pop.Sorry,am very grumpy at the moment.
Flu: Finally got through on the phone to my GP [am... - LUPUS UK

Hi sorry to hear you have Flu hope you feel better very soon.
Dear Lucy,I hope you are feeling better than I am but,I do feel a little better this morning.Can't taste anything but,I can at least speak now so things are improving,still full of aches and pains but,what's new.Tomorrow is another day.hope you are well.
Has anybody heard from PeterWoolnough,Ihope he is ok.I know he suffers badly with his Lupus.Just hope he is well.
You are eligible to have the Flu vaccine. I've just had mine and a couple of days with a sore arm is much better than a week or two of flu! get yourself to the doc's and request it! x
Actually was told by my doctors surgery,unless I have asma(forgive spelling)or diabetese I am not entitled to a flu vacine.I am 63,I do not really want to question the rules and regulations but,that is what I was told by my GP's receptionistWhat can I do?This was today when I collected my prescription so,am I being given the right information?Really suffering with the flu at the mo but,surgery said,if I don't have asma or diabetese i am not eligable for the flu jab.I am tired and need some adequate advice but,I am not going to get it from my surgery.I really am tired of trying to get the right info.Sorry to be so negative but,I am so tired of trying to get help.