Hi all,just wanted to quickly let you know,and to make you aware. of the fact that you shoyld check out your lupus docs first!
My daughter wad dxd with severe systemic lupus a year ago,she had all the lupus meds,high dose steroids etc then to be told last week,het lupus doc has been suspended,she no longer has lupus,but she has vsdculitis,she saw a vasculitis consulant who said she had vasculitis,but he needed to have a discussion with his team as to which type.
Well four days later ,the nurse told my daughter,the foc says she doesnt have vadculitis maybe is was all just a bad infection she had had for years,and to top it all of,she had to come of all her lupus mefs which have helped her.
All the have said is that they will give her a skin biopsy but thats it.DISGUSTING! Treatment,well she. has told the nurse that she had been seeing every week that she wants her to tell them she is putting in a formal complaint,and she wants to see her heart specialist,and renal consultant and dermy so they can tell her what happens next,so now she is without a dxs and without meds for it.she already has a skin infection,wrll thats what her g.p thinks it is.Thank you for listening sandy.