Hi all,can anyone tell me if you should take your immune suppressants while you have a temperature or chest infection?
My daughter has sle,and many more health problems undiagnosed,she visited her g.p on Wednesday and was told she had a chest infection,she had an cray,it seemed nothing to serious.
Today she went to her g.p ,he looked at her cray from Wednesday and said he thought it was her asthma as the cray was not to bad.
To cut a long story short he sent her to a.e with a letter she had oxygen,another chest xray and it 48 hours it has developed into pnuemonia ,she has been sent. home told to take 20 steroids a day 12 in the am and 8 in the pm.
The doctor in a&e said she should have been told not to take immunesuppresants while she had a chest infection,or a raised temp.
Can you give me any input since I don't feel she is being advised properly,
I know that you are a good source of info and feel until she sees a consultant who specialises in lupus ,which seems to be taking forever,I would be grategul for any input.
I am not questioning the fact that she should stop the immunesuppresants,just advice on what to do or not to do with lupus and pnuemonia/chest infection.
Thank you so much in advance Sandy.