How cute is this little one?
A baby platypus is called a puggle : How cute is... - LUPUS UK
A baby platypus is called a puggle

cute and curious creatures. wonder what noise they make. do they quack?
Soooo cute ❤️
Thank you so much what fascinating creatures xx
He (or she) is gorgeous, and you just gave me my first, and much needed, smile of the day. Thank you xx
❤️ this! A puggle doing its daily exercises! Here in Scotland we say we are fair puggled if we are very tired. Now I’ll have to say I’m fair baby platypussed! 🤣🤣Xx
Do you I have never heard that before? I will ask my hubby when he gets back from walking the dogs as he is Glaswegian 😂😂xxx
How adorable
How old do they get before the develope the stinger on the under belly ??
I honestly don’t know 🤔
Seriously cute that one cecily. Xx
It is so cute Misty. Glad you like it. Xxx
What an adorable puggle! I grew up in Australia but never saw a platypus in the wild. He is just gorgeous. Thanks Cecily! 🤗😘x
xD so cute
it’s so cute I can’t take it