My daughter and her husband are thinking about starting a family,only thing is they are worried his mother has Fibromyaligia, I have lupus, sicca, underactive thyroid, raynards and undiferentiated connective tissue disease, they are worried any child they have will be affected, can anyone please help/advise
baby or no baby: My daughter and her husband are... - LUPUS UK
baby or no baby

Hello, my daughter is trying for a baby at the moment without success, I have lupus, fibromyalgia and S/S. I didn't think because I have these problems that it would be a problem unless she is tested positive herself. My daughter does have Raynaulds. I have advised my daughter to get tested but her Gp said there is no blood test which I know to be wrong.I would be also interested in an answer to this. I hope your daughter successfully has a baby, but it is good to get advise. So complicated.
hiya. i have three children. i am 35, son is 13, daughter 8 and 6. so far they have no symptoms or problems at birth. infact i had flare free prgnancy s which is not uncommon. All 3 are hypermobile and out of the three the middle is the one who get s growing pain s ect-just have to wait and see. dont let it put you off
thank you for the replies i think she was more concerned as its on both sides of the family in both mothers so thinks a baby will be at higher risk
Perhaps they should have a word with their GP just to be on the safe side
ahhh i feel for you im the only one in my family with lupus :(( i have a 14 year old son and i get so mother hen when he has the slightest pain i worry that he will have lupus even though it is rare in men so it must be difficult decision, but in another breath perhaps there is a chance of foster/adoption for under an privalidge child as your daughter sounds like she has a lot of love to give, just an though sending spoons :))
Hi new here but saw your post & wanted to give you a little hope...
I have had 3 early miscarriages, a mid term (18 weeks) baby girl & Ella-Mae who was delivered at 25+2 as i had severe pre-eclampsia in June 06...sadly she passed away at 3 days old. I was then diagnosed with having SLE, i was also pg with my DH only 9 weeks after losing my DD...i was able to inject with Clexane & take asparin throughout my pregnancy, when my DH was 7 months old i found out i was pg with my 2nd DS but by then i was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia & i was on morphine etc...i was able to inject with Clexane again & take low dose asparin & i truely believe that i have been able to have my DH because i was diagnosed with SLE & i could take my Clexane etc. My SLE is now dormant & my fibromyalgia has very much taken president
I wish yourself, your DD & family all well & i hope this may have helped a little. Shelly
I have just re-read your post & i forgot to say that i also have Rayneuds Disease diagnosed in 2011 & an Under active thyroid diagnosed also in 2011 & my father has a degenerative tissue disease...
Hi . i got lupus after after my 1st daughter and me and my partner never wanted an only child. after lots of chats with docs was told that a future child wouldnt get lupus but were risks to my second daughter is now 9 and was born prem but is amazing! my daughters are my carers and the best thing they do is make me giggle withn their sillyness!
thank you all for your replies I will pass all the info onto them and hopefully I will become a grandmother for the first time when her husband gets back from Afgan
Myself, and two of my daughters have SLE my two other children are lucky enough not too. My oldest daughter has had three very healty children I think as with everything else you have to weigh up the pro's and con's if you or any other member of your family have illnesses I passed it on to two of my children and thats because I didnt know I had it myself, and Im one of the lucky ones where I was blessed with four children. Would I have tried for them if I had know.............I dont know, am I angry I passed this illness on to them.........oh yes, are they angry at So all I can say is sit down and have a good think about it.............but I am so glad I was able to have my children
So glad your children aren't angry at you and thank you for your reply I intend passing all comments on when I see her next