Hi all, I am just looking for a bit of advice regarding my birth plan. Sorry if TMI but I don’t know what to do. My consultant has said that he will give me a C-Section if I want one but that my Lupus could get worse after and the recovery time is so much longer than normal. But then a natural birth worries me as between the chronic fatigue with the lupus and the pregnancy fatigue is going to wipe me out and I won’t be able to fully birth my baby, and then it’s an emergency c-section. Any advice is greatly appreciated xxx oh and I’m on aspirin and Fragmin as well. So need 13 hours between doses before I can have pain relief at the birth! Omg help haha xxx
Soon to be mum with Lupus and Sjrogens: Hi all, I... - LUPUS UK
Soon to be mum with Lupus and Sjrogens

I don't remember how much she talks about actually birthing her babies but Sara Gorman talks a lot about having children with lupus on her blog Despite Lupus.
The blog has changed platforms and I haven't worked out how to get to old posts without scrolling all the way through on the new format - maybe you can!
Hi. I had an elective C-section with epidural. They forgot to give me a pre-med, so that was ok, eh! Sure, the recovery time is longer - and the pain comes after the birth - but I managed and I know you will too. Just make sure you have plenty of help lined up for when you get home and don't feel guilty (impossible, I know) for getting help. You will need lots and lots of rest but then you will be able to enjoy your baby. Very best wishes to you, please let us know how you get on.
Hi, every pregnancy is different. I was very ill after my first birth but my second birth made me better. Only thing to consider is that they must do a blood test when you go into labour because they need to check the aspirin to make sure you can have an epidural. I had both naturally. I had chronic fatigue and they just planned if I was too tired at the end to help deliver the baby but still naturally. Good luck!