So I saw rheumatology last week. Unfortunately they weren’t bothered about my rashes and there was no mention of dermatology or biopsies. They also said they wouldn’t change me from methotrexate even though the side effects were the reason I came off it. She said to start it again. when I’m established she will try lowering the dose to see if that helps the side effects.
I was a little down about this but desperate to feel better, so I injected on Friday.
On Saturday I was working on my laptop and my hands started to itch intensely. My laptop was warm, not hot. And I thought this was the reason I was getting so uncomfortable. Took a break and went back to it. My hands started to burn severely, covered in hives and all this started to come up. I’m gutted cause I really need to get back into a routine and my hands had just started to clear after the last flare up. My house is a mess - it’s actually filthy. It’s getting me so down not being able to do what I want to do.
Sunday I was very sore but it wasn’t burning and itching again. Went back on my laptop it started again. I’ve never felt pain like it. Had to call out of hours. The doctor I saw was very sympathetic but pointed out I have just reintroduced methotrexate and maybe it’s that what I’m reacting to? I honestly feel like it’s the warmth from the laptop. But feel stupid for saying that? Told me to call rheumatology to let them know as they’re ’so interested in every rash’.. but I just feel like a pain and problematic to them.
I called the nurses to let them know they said they’d tell my rheumatologist on Wednesday. But I just feel like a pest. I can’t use my hands they’re so sore and swollen. I’m taking 5 antihistamines a day and my steroid creams are doing nothing. I feel so trapped. The GP did offer oral steroids but my rheumatologist doesn’t want me taking them because of the infections. So I’m just kind of stuck and scared to touch anything that might make it worse.
I don’t want my rheumatologist to think I’m just saying it to get off methotrexate. Does anyone else react this way to the heat or reacted like this to methotrexate? I was always fine on it before. I’ve finally had my first week without an infection since December now I have two hands I can’t use.
The doctors don’t seem bothered about any rashes I get even though they impact my life so severely. I don’t get a say in my medication. I know I should try to think positively but I’m having so many setbacks and can’t see an end to any of it. I looked into private dermatology but was quoted 2-3k on a biopsy to find out what these different rashes are. I can’t afford that.
It’s all making me miserable. I know the methotrexate will take it all away when I can finally take enough of it.. but then I have the fatigue and nausea to contend with which is also limiting. I guess I just wanted to get my frustration out. My hands are so sore and now another week is ruined while it heals.