Hi, I have been unwell for 10 years and I was diagnosed with Lupus (SLE) & anti-phospholipid antibodies about 1.5 years ago. My lupus is fairly under control but the main way it affects me is severe fatigue, every day is a battle to just do normal essential activities. I'm not well enough to work. I have just found out I am pregnant, which is very unexpected. My husband and I have always wanted children but I really wanted to be better and stronger. I am really worried if I will be well enough to get through the pregnancy, to give birth and mostly, how I will be well enough to look after a baby, when I often struggle to look after myself.
If anyone has any advice or were in a similar situation please can you tell me (truthfully) if and how you manage.
Also, I saw my rheumatologist last week and she agreed I need to be urgently on heparin injections but I have to wait until I go to the high risk combined clinic with a specialist obstetrician and a lupus consultant who specialises in lupus in pregnancy,which is in 4 weeks time. This seems like a frustratingly long wait.