Hi everyone, I'm having a lot of pain in my hips and quite severe I left one,usually at night, especially if I lay on it. Also sharp very bad pain in groin which happens if I move in a certain way. My left hip has limited movement I notice. I went to rheumy last week and he said it doesn't sound like it's related to UCTD. ( On my notes they put Lupus in brackets after UCTD but won't tell me why,just keep getting told it's not Lupus yet) He said it's probably Oestioarthitis. but when I read about Lupus it say Arthritis is linked with it. I also get pain in my knees. I find I can't walk for nearly as long as I used to before I get stuff sore hips and my knees and feet hurt. I do jive dancing once a week and after that I'm normally awake most of the night with really bad hip pain. Can any of you relate to this and tell me if you think the arthritis is linked to UTCD or Lupus. And also is it likely to be Oestioarthitis or will it be rheumatoid arthritis? I'm also worried about how quickly it will progress. Will I still be dancing and working this time next year or does it progress quickly?