Hi friends - I have SLE, Reynaud's and Sjogrens. I am mid 40s and was diagnosed age 12. I spent many years in remission without meds but badly flared after stopping breastfeeding when my daughter was 12 months old. For the past 10 years I've been medicated (low dose prednisone, hydroxichloriquine, and more recently also mycophenolate mofetil). These drugs and every effort at healthy lifestyle have helped me manage my disease. However - I don't have a very good quality of life. I'm constantly flaring and when one symptom subsides something else pops up. I honestly can't imagine anymore what remission might feel like. I feel I can't complain really - I can hold down a job and manage ok. But I hide how I feel nearly every day and struggle most every day with one symptom or another.
My rheumatologist suggests Rituximab may be a good option. But I don't have nephritis or any major organ involvement.
Is it realistic to think I might be able to get to remission? What experience have others had with this drug?
Thank you 🌸