Had my 1st dose of Rituximab yesterday and it all went as well as it could've. I probably could've went back to work today but feel a little tired and as my line manager just refuses to listen properly and understand what exactly is going on with me and the fact he kept asking me if I'll definitely be back on Wednesday I thought "bugger it" a day on the couch is in order. He says to me on Monday "why are they doing this treatment, can't they just cure you like last time" 1st of all they didn't cure me, they just got me into remission and under control and as seen as I'd had Cyclophosphamide last time they wanted to try something different, and secondly it's not as simple as that. I really can't fathom out why some people just refuse to understand these things or maybe that's their way they cope with these things. More importantly the treatment is hopefully doing what it's supposed to be doing and I'll not be letting this eejit get me down
1st dose of Rituximab: Had my 1st dose of Rituximab... - LUPUS UK
1st dose of Rituximab
It’s very hard for others to understand.i find it hard to as well,and I’ve had it for years! I also know my patience has gone.i don’t bother to explain to idiots anymore.x enjoy your quiet day .
Omg your manager is not very understanding ! Would it be worth giving him a leaflet explaining your condition/ treatment? Im glad you are feeling so good after the infusion, the first one wiped me out for a week !
I've had discussions with him before and offered him the lupus leaflets so he can get a better understanding, his reply was he's not much of a reader so it's fine not to bother. Fingers crossed he never happens to experience anything like this.

That’s really not good, your work should be going out of their way to support you. I hope things improve , I don’t work but i have some relatives that roll their eyes . We have a hidden condition that isn’t outwardly visible, which people don’t understand. Best wishes.