Hi.I was wondering if anyone has had a side effect from the flu jab.I had a chest infection just before I had it, and the infection came back, and feel more tired than normal,can't even be bothered to cook or do anything.When sitting in the chair just keep falling asleep.
Flu jab: Hi.I was wondering if anyone has had a... - LUPUS UK
Flu jab

Hi mousey1 ,
Had you fully recovered from the chest infection? If is advised that if you are ill with a fever you should wait until fully recovered before having the vaccine.
The flu jab does not normally cause side effects. Sometimes, it can cause mild fever and slight muscle aches for a day or so. However, people sometimes are a little more at risk of catching other flu-like viruses, or very occasionally could catch flu before the vaccine takes effect.
You can find more information about the flu vaccine and lupus in our article here - lupusuk.org.uk/flu-vaccinat...
Thank you Paul.I am not really sure whether the infection had cleared up completely,as I do have bronchectasis as well which doesn't help.
Hi mousey1
I have had flu jabs for a number of years and never had a reaction.About 4 years ago my hubby started having them and never had a reaction. This year he had one on 7th October,the following day he wad achy and flu like symptoms and by God following day he was really poorly.It wasn't a case of man flu either he was baking hot,them freezing cold,trembling,headache,sick,and slept for hours- - never seen him that poorly and it's only in the last week that he has fully recovered from it.
Perhaps he may have already been coming down with some bug or something when he had the jab,and he doesn't have any other underlying medical conditions.
If it carries on or you are concerned in any way then see your gp about it.
Take care hope you recover soon.
Thank you Cruze.I was speaking to my friend and she was saying that she spoke to a couple of people who seemed to be poorly after having it.It is the first time it has happened to me. Regards Jan xx
There have been a lot of folk on the forum who have said they have had a bad reaction this year when they haven't previously.
Don't know if the vaccine has changed or whether there are lots of nasty bugs around which has caused this but hope you improve soon.
Take care.
Hi mousey
I've had a similar reaction to this year's flu jab, feel lousy and so tired all I want to do is sleep!. It's flared my illness. It could be that you still had the chest infection before you had it which has made things worse!. I feel heartened that crusee has said this year's has made people poorly more!. Hope we feel better soon. X
Hi Misty,It's nice to know other people are experiencing the same thing,even though it's not nice.Lets hope we feel better soon ,I've had mine about 8 days feeling like this,it's depressing. Take care
Hi mousey
Hate to say this but been like this a month now but flu does last and we've had a tiny dose!. If it lasts you could see if your treatment could be increased to help. It is depressing to feel so lousy!. TAKE CARE. X
Sorry you have felt like this for all this time,I'm only In my second week, got up again this morning still feel so tired and no energy,feel like going back to bed,but I must try and get dressed.If I don't feel much better after the weekend I will speak to my doc who may suggest increasing my steroids and I finish my antibiotics today for my chest.
Have a nice weekend x
Hi mousey
You have a good plan if your no better after the weekend. I've just been to my GP, thought I felt better and couldn't believe how poorly I felt after the effort of going. I've got to stay on 9 mg much longer to get better. Inflammatory tonight. I hope you have a better weekend. Keep us posted. X
Hi Misty . I will keep you posted.everything is a effort even more so at the moment .I'm on 10 mg at the moment,I've been trying to get to 7.5, but then my bronchiectasis will get worse so have to up them again. Hope you feel better soon.X
Hi mousey
It is so hard with the steroids trying to get them down to a safe dose and staying there!. If only there side effects weren't so serious as they are very effective!. I'm sorry you have lung involvement making it harder!. I should get to 5 mg but feel it's unachieveable!. Do feel so heartened we're not alone feeling ill on the flu jab. Fab forum!. Good luck. X
Same here mousey. I had my jab couple of wks ago & the injection site is still red, hard & itchy. Today I've given in to my bed. Really tired, body aches & glands are swollen in my throat. 😷
Thank you.Hope you feel better soon x
Just had mine done on Friday for the first time in 3 years .. oddly I reacted much much less than before this time. Felt pretty awful Friday night and all my joints were hurting, had a blazing temp overnight and sooooo tired - felt all flu-y. But been fine since other than feeling a bit like I have a cold coming and not sleeping great which might not be connected at all. Except I have a HUGE hot red and solid swelling over the injection site that itches like crazy still so if anyone has any hints how to treat that as the itching is driving me nuts and my arm is sore as all hell.
I'd avoided it for 3 years though as the previous 2 times I'd had it I flared badly - was literally wiped out on the sofa for a week wanting to scream with joint pain and couldn't lift my arms above hip level without feeling like they'd done 6 hours in the gym. I swore never again after the second time but I no longer live alone and my risk is greater of catching it and my health weaker. I decided if I felt like that after the jab then catching the live version would not be fun at all and probably quite dangerous so took the plunge again this year
Hi Milford, I had my flu jab on the 18th Oct & I also reacted to it. The injection site was really hot, red & very itchy! I tired not to scratch the site but my hand wld be there scratching away with out me thinking about it. I also felt like I was coming down with a cold/or lupus flare. To date, the injection site has calmed down, but is still pink with a hard lump. My lupus nurse said that I'd had a reaction to the injection. It's the 1st flu jab I've have for 3years due to been to ill the other yrs.
Sorry that's Mifford. Auto spell thinks it knows best 😉