Hi everyone so the results were NSCLC STAGE 3 , 3 lymph nodes activated along windpipe , but no spread …T3 n3 m0 . Sadly , I just missed out on it being operable though because of those blumming lymph’s …. so it looks like Chemo and radiotherapy combined or sequential … still awaiting markers for suitability to immunotherapy or targeted therapies but should know that soon ….. Christie’s next week for oncology meeting …. At least they didn’t suggest writing my will just yet … said it was very treatable? I guess I’ll get more next week , thanks for all the support and replies everyone , very grateful to you all , love Elly x
review update- scores on the doors - The Roy Castle Lu...
review update- scores on the doors

glad u got results onwards n upwards now petal 👍
Glad you have your results and it sounds like there is a path forward. Thinking of you xx
thank you Draigo , hope you’re doing ok ?
yes I’m doing ok thank you. My PET scan showed no change so my body is stable, however the MRI of my head showed that all of the tumours that they treated with CyberKnife have gone except for one which has turned from solid to liquid they are not sure why. It could be that it is still healing from the treatment or the treatment hasn’t worked. They have started me on chemotherapy again which started last week I’m feeling ok so far!
Hi Elly glad you have results and have an appointment soon to move forward with your treatment. It’s the start of the journey - keep your positive attitude treatable is good so many of us living well now!!! Take care x

Hi Elly
That is good you got your results eventually, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss anything, you can email ask the nurse at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org or call our free phone nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600
You may wish to look at our information booklets on Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy:
If you need any help with travel costs, utility bills etc, we offer a one off grant of up to £150 for anyone with lung cancer and you can apply for this through this link: roycastle.org/patient-grant...
Wishing you all the very best.
The Roy Castle Support Team
thanks for all the support over the last few weeks everyone , it’s helped enormously during that horrible waiting period x
That sounds promising - always better to have a treatment plan so you can look forward instead of imagination running riot.... good luck with the treatment.
thank you Janette as always x
It's treatable. Hang onto that thought. I hope everything goes well for you.
Good to hear you have results and a treatment plan in place. The not knowing is always the worst. You have a positive attitude which will stand you in good stead for the treatment. Thinking of you and here's to a good outcome.
hi Ian , I was going to message but thought it would be too soon …. Never mind offering me a supportive reply , how the heck are you ???? How did the surgery go ?? And a million more questions but I’m being restrained !