I am asking because mine stems from my childhood plus bullying at both schools plus bullying in the workplace plus my dad's emotional abuse plus my mum telling me lies and laughing at me plus being held in a flat and tortured for 2 days plus people who made me very ill because of my nasty ex.
My notes say sensitive to abuse and I do have a submissive nature.
But other people have told me they have it over one incident.
I believe if you have a loving family you can deal with anything and I don't have a loving family, never did.
I'm just confused when a person tells me it was over just the one incident in their life.
After the flat business it took 5 years to get over being scared of strange men and I couldn't believe what some people said "you'll meet someone else"
"Not all men are violent".
"Well, you have to get over it because you don't want to be on your own forever".
A woman sneered at me in the post office and asked if I had made it up with my boyfriend.
I blew my top and shouted
"No man would want to keep you in a flat because you're ugly, boring and have nothing a man would want".
People looked and I said "it's good here isn't it?"
But she left me alone afterwards. She had previously said it to me 5 times.
But question is how can a person have permanent P.T.S.D over just one incident?