to recover from PTSD/ complex PTSD. While I say it’s possible for me there will always be triggers. Recovery for me is knowing when I’m triggered and immediately kicking in with my coping strategies. It takes a lot of work and willingness to live as a survivor and not a victim. This has been my lived experience.
I had to work through what rewards remaining a victim gave to me. There were too many to note. Then I had to imagine getting my needs met in an adult way and work through and identify how this could happen.
I then had to commit to the therapy I still have today. I mean really commit to it like laying my life bare. I had to be open to challenging my narrative and my false way of looking at the world through a victim lens. I had to clean off my glasses and refocus through a survivor lens,
Finally for me I had to let go of wanting to get revenge on the perpetrators of trauma. This kept me stuck in the past.
I also ‘grew’ the little me inside up to an adult where I live today in the main.