Recently, I went to a psychiatrist office to ask letter of accommodation regarding my PTSD to my college. She suggested me to take SSRI to treat my symptoms. I have mixed feelings about it but I am very open to try new things (as you all know PTSD sucks!). What’s your experience with SSRI?
Meds or Not? : Recently, I went to a... - Heal My PTSD
Meds or Not?
My experience was not that great, it didn't help much as my main issue wasn't depression, it was anxiety and PTSD.
Somehow those meds didn't help me and some made it worse by taking away feelings while trauma was still there.
But there are LOTS of people with positive experiences with them as everyone has a different situation and symptoms so you won't know it until you try it. It might help. So I wouldn't go by anyone else's experience because your experience might be different.
I had a similar experience as nathalie, they had an upper effect on me which was bad as i was very high strung from being hyper alert and panicked plus they numbed me which was isolating and disturbing and made me kind of careless and apathetic---none of it felt therapeutic and it was very difficult to come off of. I have heard good things about zoloft which is slightly different as well as medication actually geared for epilepsy but helps anxiety in small doses. Marijuana and bach remedies have helped me personally more
It seems that the shift in meds is going more toward very tiny dosages of antipsychotic medications for ptsd. They work different in the brain and tend to calm the hippocampus and amygdala with better efficacy. It’s not the amount a patient would take if they were psychotic. At first I was appalled. I understand it now. Talk to a pharmacist or any biochemist. You can email a college professor if you need the ‘whys’. I just don’t think SSRIs are the answer for us although they can be helpful and certainly do help some.
I think meds put off what you have to deal with to heal.
There’s a lot of positive approaches to healing that can be done without meds.
Well I react the oppressive
So the only choice I have is a benzo and a anti psychotica but the last one no
Still struggling so
Meds and therapy but therapy is not for everyone
So but SSRIs I could not cope I tried so many my head whas completely a mess so I only use for now Xanax en ritaline
Wierd but ritalin they give also for PTSD
Why ? I don't know
I take meds and they help greatly with my major depression disorder. I do not want to take meds. I avoided them for many years. It also took a long time to find a med combo that actually helped. I take effector and mirtazapine.