I am struggling to cope with ptsd but I have been told I have complex ptsd anyone help
Help with ptsd: I am struggling to cope with... - Heal My PTSD
Help with ptsd

Hi Kirstie2009,
Welcome to the community!
You are in the right place, as many of us on here have complex PTSD.
There are a lot of good resources out there, you can check healmyptsd.com website from our founder, Michele Rosenthal.
Also you might want to have a look at different topics on the forum and see if anything resonates with you.
I remember one post in particular about complex ptsd, I will try to find it.
Feel free to ask any questions.
How do I deal with complex ptsd x
Hi Kirstie,
Typically we learn how to cope with symptoms. Things that might help, include mindfulness, meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, art therapy (adult coloring books or anything of that nature), gardening, journaling, etc etc
A lot of people find creative processes helped them in recovery.
The best route I would say would be to find a therapist, specialized in dealing with c-ptsd.
Also, educating yourself on this subject to understand more and to see which therapy route would be the best for you. There are many different modalities like talk therapies, somatic experiencing, EMDR to name just a few.
For me it helped to educate myself on this subject, by reading books and different resources from different websites, podcasts, you tube videos etc.
It really depends what works best for you and sometimes it is trial and error.
It's just a very general list of the top of my head, but if you mean anything more specific, please feel free to ask questions
You're in the right place, Kirstie! You'll find a lot of people who understand your struggles with C-PTSD.
I just put in the term in the search menu, and got a lot of hits. Here are a couple of good ones.
This first one was a question by AnyaC, but it had lots of great responses: healthunlocked.com/healmypt...
Here's a post by Nathalie99 about C-PTSD with a link to a definition:
I was going to look for that one from Anya, thanks a lot Dan.
You bet, Nathalie! It just stuck out as a good resource.
I have edited both and added them to "Tool Box" so that we can easier access them and for the new members on the site.
Excellent work, Nathalie99! I appreciate it, and I know the member will as well!
Hi Kirstie- like you., I was diagnosed with CPTSD recently found this forum and now I am just delighted that there is a community of people who understand and have been through similar journeys to my own.
Basically one therapist said CPTSD when you boil it down is "you've been through a hell of a lot!" And I agree. Some of the stories I read here are heartbreaking, but inspiring. I love this forum because everyone is so supportive and gets it.
I think the biggest part of healing is realizing that you need to heal, and you have obviously taken that first brave step. Good for you!
There are a lot of free resources on the internet to help with CPTSD, I use youtube a lot to listen to positive life coaches, and I get books out of the library. Part of it is learning to cope with your symptoms, depression, disassociation, nightmares, flashbacks etc. Meditation and imaginary stuff helps me with this because the trauma affects my mind mostly. So I have a safe place that I have imagined up in my mind that allows me to relax when I am feeling stressed out. Nightmares- well, I got no answers for that one yet, they really are the worst.
The other part is processing your painful memories, so just allowing yourself to feel and cry and "defrost." And start being gentle and kind to yourself and telling yourself "I deserve to heal".
Therapy is good to guide you through this journey, and you might need some medication. I have had to stop drinking because it makes me worse.
I still feel horrible half of the time because I have just started doing therapy but I am grateful that I have found a psychiatrist who supports my journey and validates my story, and I don't feel so alone anymore.
I have recently made a "dream board" and stuck it on the wall, pictures of what I want my life to look like and how I want to feel when I get better. It really helps me to imagine a better life for myself and think all things are possible.
Hope any of this helped. Love and light.
Wonderful response! It's all super helpful!
Wonderful reply!
An imaginary safe place is actually a part of the therapy process. I already had many places like that before I started therapy, I used this coping strategy as long as I can remember.
I also made a "dream board" (actually I did it in therapy a few years ago). I even shared it in one of my posts.
All great ideas you share...
Thanks Nathalie! I am trying to find your dream board post to find inspiration today
Same here. I failed therapy, so I am hoping to use the resources here to right myself again. Thanks for the links. I will have a good read!!
Hey hun, I have cptsd. Right now I am coping with medications and have just started therapy. There are TONS of resources on the internet and I am constantly reading up on different ways to cope. Sometimes it will get worse before it gets better! Just hang in there, we are all in this together <3