The day my world came crashing down. - Heal My PTSD

Heal My PTSD

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The day my world came crashing down.

kylalb profile image
10 Replies

One morning I got up for work, a normal Wednesday, October 21, 2009, nothing special about that morning, nothing special about the bus ride to the office, or getting to my desk. The physiotherapist had come in to meet with her patient, my boss and co-workers strolled in. We chatted briefly about the day ahead. Again, nothing special until...

I heard a boom, it was loud, and it took me a second to process what I heard. I leaned over to see if my boss had also heard that, her eyes were big, she did. We got up, open the main door to where the elevators faced and saw what appeared to be smoke. Did the elevator fall? Were people hurt? Where the heck was security? I stood there stunned, my boss was irritated; she started looking for security through the main doors. But it was a strange reaction I thought as she ran by me, she said something but I didn't hear it. So a few seconds went by as I strolled back into the office, my boss was in her office on the phone. My thoughts were, hmmm must be a fire, should grab a coat and get out of there. My very pregnant Physiotherapist had also heard the boom, she asked me what was wrong, and I said I think it’s a fire, we should get outside. She agreed, but then turned around to get her coat. I walked to the door, opened it and saw a man standing a few feet in front of me. I didn't recognize him, but as he turned I could see he was holding something long in his hand. As he lifted it towards me he said "get over here", I realized I was looking at the end of a rifle.

It was that moment I froze, then had a huge flash back of my drunken step father pointing a sawed off shot gun at me when I was around 10 years old, he was mad at me for not cooking a steak that was in the fridge. I thought to myself, not again, why is this happening to me again. Then I realized what the sound was I heard, it was a gunshot, the smoke was drywall smoke, I couldn't see security, did he shoot and kill him? I'm going to die.

A crazed man had come into my place of employment and took myself plus 8 others hostage. We were all taken along route to the 8th floor meeting room, told to tie ourselves to chairs and listen to the rants of an angry, crazed person. Eventually after a 10 hour stand-off, slowly letting us go one at a time, he gave up and was taken into custody. I still remember that day like it was yesterday, I still remember you’re not going to steal my adult life after all my childhood was terrible, I made it my mission after that day to forget about the event and move on.

I thought it had worked, I went back to work, the following week, I went about my business, I comforted the distressed staff, and I wanted to be the example... I wanted to forget so badly, I tried, first with intense exercise, this went on for a couple of years, and I was blowing out muscles, constantly sore. I started having trouble sleeping, so I would drink to fall asleep. I would go to work exhausted, started feeling like a total loser, a failure. What is wrong with me? The court date finally came and went, he was charged with 11 years. I remember shaking in court just seeing him standing there. I remember my mind unravelling but feeling too ashamed to say anything, what would people think if I wasn't this super happy person I've been passing off?

Then it happened, mid 2012 my neck twisted, I had no idea why. It was like someone had literally twisted my muscles in my neck and now my head was on a slant. I started with a med centre, they gave me anti inflammatories and said slow down on the exercise. When that didn't work, physio, Chiro, emergency rooms, no one could figure out what was going on including me. By almost Christmas time I had to wear a neck brace because my muscles stopped working all together. I was sent to a neurologist who said I had a condition called dystonia, then booked me for botox treatment for my neck. I was in bed for almost two months, they also gave me anti depressants, and clomazopam. I thought, this is my new normal, I will be like this forever. That’s when all the suicide thoughts started flooding in. By the summer time I did it, I tried to end my life. My husband and kids watched me down a whole bunch of pills. It was terrible. I ended up in emergency, this was the first time I heard the words PTSD. I met the most amazing therapist. She opened my eyes to the importance of working thru the pain of not just that day but also my childhood. She explained what PTSD was and how all of my symptoms made sense to me. The neck, the shame, the suicidal thoughts. Its been just over a year in therapy but I can tell you I’m a different person now. My neck is all better, I don’t have dystonia, I’m so much more aware of myself, I’m breathing again. I’m no longer at the company where it happened but a quieter low key job. My relationship with my husband and kids are so much closer. All in all I am happy, not fake happy.

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kylalb profile image
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10 Replies
crazytater profile image

kylalb, Thank you for sharing your story, it will bring a lot of us such hope in our own recovery.

Footygirl profile image

Happy not fake happy. Such a huge phrase. Well done.

I wish...


kylalb profile image
kylalb in reply to Footygirl

It is a big one, real happy was inside me the whole time, but I had no idea because it was surrounded with self hate

I am glad that you found out what was going on. Thanks for sharing.

Palomineo profile image

That's very interesting!... You buried what happened to you, but I think the amegdula that reptilian part of our brain, dosnt share that forgetting! It will bring it out subconsciously

In my tramua, I knew what was happening, I didn't forget it, but could never do anything about it... It went on like that for more than 20 years. The PTSD symptoms increased, but I was able to learn, for the most part, how to do some thing about it

Then I found out it was PTSD, and came on here and found all kinds of things to do about it!! The past year or so has been way better... I no longer get that grief that it so hard to fight! What a relief!


kylalb profile image
kylalb in reply to Palomineo

I had negative thoughts all my life because of a rough childhood, but that was normal for me. I practice every day to say something nice about myself. It can be hard at times, sometimes I want to believe. But then I sit quietly and start going thru the tape in my mind, where are these thoughts really coming from and are they actually true. 99.99% they are not.

What a truly amazing and inspiring story of recovery.

Thank you for sharing all of it.

kylalb profile image

I am really a different person now, but in a good way, I don't take things for granted. My neck will acted up now if I'm in a situation that is not good for me. My neck is my savior now.

Lindyloo53 profile image

What an amazing testimony to recovery. I so needed to hear your story. Mine is not dissimilar in that I was held hostage for six days in a country far from my home and unimaginable things happened during that time. There was also a firearm involved. I managed an escape, this was well orchestrated by one of my parts. I had traumas in my past but this one threw me over the top. Interpol were also involved and through my daughters here in my home country. I managed to escape and made my way to the embassy and they told me there they wer about to come and todo a snatch and grab of me. There were armed police at the ready when I arrived. They managed to get me out of the country later that day and home.m I do not remember anything of the twenty one hour trip home it's a total blank to me. I went back to work as if nothing had happened and there was one male colleague that continually triggered me. He would just explode. In 2014 four years after this event I collapsed I couldn't do ifpt anymore. I knew I had to face my demons or they would kill me. I had taken a big overdose that put me in life support for two weeks as my organs had started to shut down. I am now in therapy sometimes I'm not doing as well as I would like to, things are out of control at times. I have been diagnosed with PTSD and DID and. It's been a tough road to walk at times but your post gives me hope for recovery. Thanks for sharing it.

kylalb profile image

Sometimes it's just the simple thing as having someone understand your circumstances and to say, your not crazy, your symptoms are real. I know when I do get triggered I take a time out. I ask myself is PTSD symptoms or am I really in danger.

My childhood was very difficult, filled with mental, physical and sexual abuse from the people who were suppose to care for me. I am a mother of three full grown people now and I have spent a lifetime trying to be the best parent by sheltering them from my childhood story. The irony in all this is my children are closer to me now that I spilled my story to them, told them all my fears.

In the end we are all just people trying to make it, even if its just a tiny step at a time. I wish you all the best in your journey, remember you are worth it.

Kyla McDonald

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