Do I have PTSD: Hi everyone. I have been... - Heal My PTSD

Heal My PTSD

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Do I have PTSD

Spedyrecovry50 profile image
ā€¢45 Replies

Hi everyone. I have been experiencing some symptoms which I think might be ptsd. But I am not sure. In order to understand where I am today I feel I need to give some background. Sorry if this is a bit long.

It all started 2012 when my nan got cancer. I was dealing with heart problems at the time so I wasn't working. My dad also had heart problems so I took over the driving and became a support for my mum. I remember being called in with my mum just before my nan died to talk about hospice care. I remember thinking that I should not have been there it should have been my dad. But he was ill so I stepped up.

2016 my dad has a major heart attack and has to have a triple heart bypass. I was there when he woke up. Its the worst I have ever seen him.

Later on when he was still in hospital my uncle had a bad heart attack as well. I helped my mum take care off them both. We had to drive a long way each day to visit. I still don't know how we did it. There was one point where I had to hold my uncles leg down as he was tring to pull the pump out that was keeping him alive before they did the bypass.

2018 my other uncle has cancer. He has a collection of mini strokes and everytime I helped pick him up and clean him some times. I was there when he had the big stroke. Which was hard. In hospital my mum had to make the decision about whether he lived or not. The cancer was very bad and they didn't think he would make it through the rehabilitation. I was there supporting her. He died

2019-2022 my mum was told she had stage 4 lung cancer. For the first 2 years she fought it and we thought she had beaten it. Like all the other times I was supporting her. In the last six months of her life she suddenly got worse. My sisters, father and I was caring for her. She had a violent thing happen on the day she died. I couldn't go to the hospital because my younger sister had mental health issues and couldn't be left. I wasn't there when my mum passed. We also lost our family dog which I was with when they put him down.

2023. My dad had another major heart attack which led to heart failure. I spent new years in hospital with him. I was also a carer to my younger sister for 6 months.

3 weeks ago my older sister had to put her 13 year old dog down because she was really ill. I was with her when this happened.

So this is what has been happening recently.

2 weeks ago I house and dog sat for my older sister. They went abroad. I took them to the airport with no problems.

I was going to get them. I was 30 minutes away from the airport when I needed to go to the services. There was a lot of traffic. I went into the service station and it was very noisy and busy. I got to the loo when I needed to go in a cubicle. My ears where pulsing and I felt overwhelmed by all the noise and people. I got out and back to the car where I started to uncontrollably cry. I didn't understand because I didn't feel scared or sad. I got my sister and got them home and was OK.

When I tried to play a computer game the same thing happened but this time my hands where shaking. Yesterday when I had a shower the same thing happened.

It seams that noise and big crowds start off the attacks. I am seeing my gp but she is on holiday so I have to wait for another 2 weeks.

With the shower thing yesterday I am thinking I need to talk to someone.

I am sorry for the length of this but I am a bit worried. Any advice would be great.

Thank you for your time.

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Spedyrecovry50 profile image
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45 Replies
Nathalie99 profile image

Hi Hertbuny49,

Welcome to our community.

I am so glad you reached out, that is very brave of you.

I am so sorry for your losses of family members that you took care of. I know how hard it hits when you care for someone and they die...

You have been through so much over the years and also have had very serious, potentially life threatening health issues yourself.

I am not a professional but several traumatic events and death of close family members, all together, could lead to PTSD. It doesn't have to be one big event, it could be many different events over the years that add up.

There are diagnostic criteria for PTSD in DSM-5:

This could help you in self assessment. If you feel you meet the criteria, you could ask a GP to refer you to access trauma focused therapy.

Alternatively you could try to self refer if this is possible, to speed things up.

Trauma therapy can be very tough but there are also more gentle options.

We have a topic "Resources" and other ones that can be a starting point.

Sending my best wishes and lots of support...

Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toNathalie99

Thank you so much for you're reply and support. It means alot. I will have a look at the resources and the link.

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilModeratorā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

You'll find useful past posts in our Pinned Posts section

Also, if you page down, you'll come across a Topics section, where past posts are sorted by topic where one was assigned by the author. The posts in the Resources, Tool Box and perhaps My Story might include some of interest to you.


Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toAussieNeil

Thank you Neil.

Dolphin14 profile image


I'm so sorry you have been through so much. My condolences on the loss of your family members.

This is a lot of trauma stacked back to back. I wonder how much processing you are able to do before the next event occurred.

The fact that you are now having symptoms is concerning. Sometimes we just run on adrenaline just to survive. There is only so much we can get through and then our bodies try to tell us we need help.

I'm glad you have an appointment set up with your GP. Please take care of yourself in the meantime. Don't push yourself if you can help it.

We can't diagnose of course but based on my own experiences I see some similarities in your story.

I'm glad you reached out for help.

Please let us know how you are getting along


Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toDolphin14

Thanks for the reply. I did some meditation yesterday and just relaxed all day. It was amazing. I am feeling better and I do understand that this could take time.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderatorā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

I'm so glad to hear you were able to relax. Meditation is very helpful to clear your mind

Sending you peaceful vibes

Kathykathy profile image

So sorry to read your story, we all have sad stories to tell in here so support is sometimes all we can give. If you feel overwhelmed over a long period of time and just keep going, with little support or intervention then eventually something will snap. Whether you have specifically PTSD only a doctor will clarify, or not, probably a title does not matter. The fact you feel not you, or are developing symptoms means help is needed. There is alot you can do for yourself but talking therapies are the main recommendation. Feeling heard and understood is a big thing, trouble shared is a trouble halved and all that. Feeling not alone and supported is a good first step. Each of your described events were traumatic to you so have chipped away. Go on line for free guided meditations I do 2 a day, a great help, there are examples of EFT, tapping, EMDR all sorts to do via internet to help. Take time out to do things to feel joy to recharge your depleted batteries, look for how to do exercises such as writing out the traumatic event rate out of 10 then reply to it by finding the positives out of the event and rating again and see how much reduced to leave as a better memory. Seek and ye shall find help. Good luck

Mamamichl profile image

Sounds more like a panic attack to me. Ptsd generally you have flashbacks and thatā€™s what causes uncontrollable mood. With panic attacks, it can be the current environment. Definitely talk to a doc though. Your situations could have caused both panic attacks and ptsd.

lostgirl75 profile image

First you have been through a lot and is anyone supporting you mentally through everything?

I personally think it sounds like anxiety coming through with a roar because itā€™s been probably pushed away so you could help others. Youā€™ve been on high alert for a long time and I think talking to someone would help.

Spedyrecovry50 profile image

Thanks for all the replys. My family does support me which is good. We have all had bereavement therapy. But I didn't seam to get much help on dealing with all this stuff. That wasn't really talked about. I have had anxiety before. This time it seamed different. Only because of being sensitive to noise and large groups.

Spedyrecovry50 profile image

Hi everyone. Thought I would update you all. I spoke to my doctor. She put me onto talking therapies. I am arranging to talk to them. I also talked to the nhs mental health person at our surgery. He thinks its anxiety and a kind of social phobia. Not sure if I agree but who knows. I got the go ahead to start c25k. Which I am loving at the moment. I feel like I am getting some where.

Nathalie99 profile image
Nathalie99Partnerā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

Hi Hertbuny49,

Thank you for your update.

It's good you have a therapist to talk to. It sounds like a first step. It might take a while to figure things out.

It's great to hear you are starting couch to 5 k and loving it.

That's a great progress.

Let us know how you are going.

We are here for you...

Spedyrecovry50 profile image

Another update. I have an appointment with a cardiologist coming up about my heart issues. Which is great. Talking therapies where great. I am waiting to hear how they are going to help. Only thing was I had to stop the c25k. Because of my weight. But I am going to continue with the walks. Feeling up beat about things. The talking therapies lady said that I am suffering with panic attacks. But she said there are things that can be done.

Nathalie99 profile image
Nathalie99Partnerā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

Thank you so much for your update.I am very sorry you had to stop couch to 5 k. I hope maybe in the future you can restart it.

Walking is a great exercise and it can help make you feel stronger.

Are there any other options that are available like swimming or perhaps some gentle fitness class?

Having an appointment coming up is stressful. You are doing well with walking so I hope your doctor will be happy about that.

Panic attacks are really tough and I am very sorry that you are going through this.

Having patience with yourself and being compassionate with yourself might help when it is happening.

I noticed that mine are worse when I am putting extra pressure on myself when I can't do any more and I force myself or some external circumstances force me to go beyond my limits.

I haven't learned how to not go overboard with things as I constantly pressured myself so it was very tough to accept when I can't push myself anymore.

I am glad that talking therapy is helping and that the therapist is knowledgeable about the panic attacks. It is great progress.

It is inspirational to hear how much you have achieved...

Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toNathalie99

Thank you for you're reply.

Spedyrecovry50 profile image

Hi all. Another update.The cardiologist said I might have myopericarditis.

I am not allowed to exercise until I have had some tests done. I havent heard from number 22 yet for therapy. I have been having more problems with panic attacks being triggered by noise. I am staying at my sisters at the moment and I feel better. Which makes me think that my home environment is adding to my health problems. I am going to look at whether I can move to somewhere by my own to distance myself from the family home as it reminds me of my mum and my sister and dad can be a bit demanding. I just feel like I need some time on my own.

Spedyrecovry50 profile image

Hi all. Another update.It has been hell. I got covid over Christmas so I had to stay in my room so I missed most of Christmas. Even though that happened I felt like I was getting better. Until in January my phone exploded just before I went to bed. I managed to get it out off the house but I seriously burnt my fingers. I had to go to A & E. Since then the panic attacks have got really bad. My eyes rolled back one time and the last one was 30 minutes long. Normally they only last a few minutes. The weird thing is the triggers. My sister is facing being chucked out of her house. Then I had to go into my loft as there was a leak. I managed to fix it. Then I had to sort out the boiler as we had no hot water. I felt fine. No sign of panic. I had a shower. I was in my room drying my hair. All I did was put my hands on my head. That started the attack. I tried my breathing but it didn't work. I then laid on my bed as I saw little white dots. I listen to a meditation to help with the attack. I had to go through it twice before I got out of the attack. I have never had one last so long.

My cardiologist said that my heart is ok. She believes that its stress that is causing the palpitations and missing heart beats. I also woke up twice really dizzy. I have stopped all exercise for now as I thought the exercise would make the symptoms worse.

Since the long attack I cant handle going places on my own. Any loud noises trigger me. I am not scared of going places. But now I worry about having an attack at any time.

I am seeing a cbt therapist at the end of March. I feel this is to far away. I don't know what to do.

I have talked to the samaritains a few times which has helped but they can only do so much. I just need some help.

Thanks for listening.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderatorā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

I'm so sorry all this has happened to you.

You mention reaching out to the Samaritans. I'm glad you looked for help when you felt things were too much to handle on your own.

If you have cardiology clearance could you try some low impact exercise? Perhaps some gentle yoga which will help mind and body?

Have you tried some music as background during an attack? Your brain will begin to absorb that and maybe help settle you a bit. I've found getting outside to be helpful, just sitting on the stairs taking in fresh air has helped de escalate my symptoms

We are here to support you


Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toDolphin14

Thanks. I did try going outside but I went on my own. I then had another attack. I do listen to music. It normally works but the last time it took longer to help. I have contacted my gp. I am just waiting to hear from them. I might try sitting in my garden next time. Thanks for the suggestions and the support.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderatorā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

I'm glad you contacted your GP. Hopefully you can get some help before March.

Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toDolphin14

I have just heard from number 22 which is a local free therapy. They are going to try and see me soon. Which is great.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderatorā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

Wonderful news! Thank you for letting us know.

Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toDolphin14

You're welcome. Just glad I am finally getting somewhere.

Spedyrecovry50 profile image

Hi everyone. Another update. I had 4 sessions with number 22. It didn't help the attacks. I went back to talking therapies and they have arranged some cbt but I have to wait until May. I have been having some bad flash backs of my mum and uncle. I also have been having these weird audio hallucinations. First I heard my sister calling me and no one was there. Then the other day I thought I heard my dad shout and fall to the ground but he didn't. I am now getting chest pain with it and I am light headed most of the time. I think I am going go talk to my gp about it. My sister is moving in just over a week. She was a safety net for me and now is going to be further away. I think this is effecting me. Before I could have got to her on my ebike. But now I would need a car. I was thinking of trying for pip but I would need a lot of help. I went to my sisters for Easter and the drive caused alot of anxiety. When I got home I had a heavy chest, chest pain and dizzyness. I also was breathless. As well as the normal shaking and hyperventilating. I just want some peace. Thanks for letting me talk on here. It really helps me. I don't feel like I am alone in this.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderatorā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50


You will never be alone here.

I'm so sorry you are going through this. Do you think the fact that your sister is moving could have stirred all this up? Your safety and support person will be further away from you.

I think it's a good idea to talk to your GP. I think using all your resources during a time like this is very important.

It's good news you are scheduled for CBT. Waiting to get started is the hard part.

We are here for you


Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toDolphin14

I do think things got worse with my sister moving. Thank you.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderatorā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

I hope you can use face time to stay connected. I know it's not the same but it's wonderful that technology is available for these separations

Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toDolphin14

We can face time.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderatorā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

That's good:)

Please don't lose hope, the day will come where you can conquer some of these fears and be able to visit.

Remember we are all here for you

Spedyrecovry50 profile image

Just seen my gp. Told her about Easter. She says I have anxiety disorder. I told her about the flash backs and noise triggered panic attacks but she didn't think it was ptsd. Am I wrong in thinking this? Is it normal to have flash backs with just anxiety. Am I barking up the wrong tree?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderatorā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

This is the problem when you don't see a specialist is a field. I'm sorry this visit caused more confusion.

There is a checklist of symptoms that help the clinician diagnose any illness.

Anxiety and depression do fall under the umbrella of PTSD.

I take it you didn't get mush help from this physician?

Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toDolphin14

She was going to try and get me an earlier cbt. But all she could offer was drugs. If I had the money I would go private. I have already found some local therapists who specialise in ptsd. But there are too expensive. I have done many online tests and they all say I probably have ptsd.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderatorā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

I'm so sorry . The system seems to have so many road blocks and it is happening everywhere. Many members on HU can't seem to get the right therapy in a timely fashion.

I'm wondering, in the meantime, could you look into some self help books or your tubes on CBT, maybe get a jump start on things?

Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toDolphin14

Thanks. I think I am going to have to do things myself. I did think about youtube.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderatorā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

I think it's best to be proactive. You have the wait time on your hands. It would be great if you can find something helpful


Nathalie99 profile image
Nathalie99Partnerā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

Hi Spedyrecovry50,

Try Peter Levine and Bessel van der Kolk on YouTube.

They have a different approach so you could get a feel for other kinds of therapy.

There are also TRE exercises (shaking) and EFT (tapping).

These could be an addition to talk therapy.

Is your CBT a trauma based CBT or the regular one?

Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toNathalie99

Thanks i will have a look. I am not sure about the cbt. I have told them about what has happened and I have mentioned about ptsd. I won't know until I have it.

Spedyrecovry50 profile image

update. I have been seeing talking therapies. they gave me a form to fill out which helps to diagnose ptsd. when I did it I scored very high. she told me that I have ptsd. After 4 sessions with her she is putting me forward for their high trauma therapy. she said that normal cbt wouldn't be enough. I have also been diagnosed as having angina. I am due a scan at the end of July. my mobility is very bad now. I was thinking of going after pip to get a scooter but I don't know if I can handle the stress. my dad recently went into hospital. going to visit him has severely triggered the ptsd and I have been having really bad panic attacks. the attacks also trigger the angina which can get really bad. hence the reluctance to go after pip. but I do need a scooter to get out. I am at a loss of what to do

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54ā€¢ in reply toSpedyrecovry50

Hi yes I urge you to apply for PIP if you have had medical issues for at least 6 months. Here is the link to the gov site

The questions are very tricky so please get expert help to fill the form in. CAB can help as can local disability centers.

PIP is not about your illness but purely how it affects you. So you need to detail everything that is wrong with you.

The 2nd thing is being able to do something in a timely and safe manner. If for example the questions is can you walk. If you can say yes of course (don't lie but do pick your worst day) but tell them it takes you say 10 minutes to walk 30 yards and you are in pain for 30 minutes afterwards.

Say yes to as many questions as possible but qualify it. Just saying yes will get you no points, its the qualifier which gets you them.

I claim Attendance Allowance which is basically PIP for over 65's. I also worked for the DWP for years too lol

Good luck and if you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Dolphin14 profile image


I'm glad you are here seeking support. I'm very sorry you are going through all this.

The good thing is you have a diagnosis and can get the proper treatment for your PTSD. This will take time and can be very difficult.

I'm very sorry your dad is ill. The triggers and panic will definitely affect your angina. Are medications helping with that?

I live in the USA. We don't have pip but we have something similar. Going through the application process is very stressful.

Let me reach out to a couple of members that may be able to help you with that.

Please write when you can. We are here to support you


Spedyrecovry50 profile image
Spedyrecovry50ā€¢ in reply toDolphin14

thanks. I have heart meds which are helping.

Spedyrecovry50 profile image

thanks again everyone for all you're advise. I am due to talk to my local hub today, who will help me to fill in the form. the only issue is I am already getting stressed about it. I dont want the angina to start. I nearly went to hospital yesterday. I told my specialist nurse about the increase in symptoms and she wanted me to go. at the moment the gtn spray is managing things but I don't want it to get worse. I cant have the ct scan until the late part of July so I am trying to hold on until then. its just stressing me out and I am just thinking of not going for pip at the moment until the scan is done.

Spedyrecovry50 profile image

update.I went to the hub on Friday. they where really nice. they helped me to fill out most if the form. it was getting busy there and I was having trouble holding back the panic. I am going back on Tuesday to finish it off. they said they would be with me if pip phone. the thing that worries me is I got home and had a massive attack which brought on chest pain. today I am in bed with breathlessness and chest pain. the pain comes and goes. it isn't anything that would warrant me to go to hospital as the gtn takes it off straight away. but if this happens just after going to the hub. what might happen if I get an assessment?

this is why I didn't want to go for pip. I am waiting for the results of a ct angiogram scan that I had on Tuesday. which isn't helping.

thanks again everyone for you're support. I will update as thing progress.

Spedyrecovry50 profile image

update.I am talking to my gp tomorrow may be about a ptsd diagnosis. the scan i had came back showing no problems so I now have to change that on the pip form. not sure if I want to go for it now that the heart thing is OK. don't know what to do.

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