After reading post here I have bought some epsom salts to use in bath to help with muscle pain. How much do I add?xx
Epsom salts and bath: After reading... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Epsom salts and bath

Hi Snowbell,
A couple of heaped tablespoons should do. Epsom salts softens your bath water, and feels very nice, but it's the good soak in hot water that brings you relief, as the salts aren't absorbed through your skin..
I believe Radox is mostly Epsom salts, and it smells lovely, too.
I can't get in and out of a bathtub, so I have to be content with a really hot shower, and I feel the benefit for hours afterwards, especially in this chilly weather. There's nothing like hot water for most aches and pains.
Enjoy your long soak - I shall think of you with envy!
Moffy x
Thankyou! Took the plunge so to speak. It did soften my skin lovely! I'm the reverse, cant stand long enough to shower, so bath is the only option xx
I have been searching the Internet about Epsom salts since the last discussion ... For every site that assures you that the salt will be absorbed into your body and help you there are just as many sites to disprove this theory ...
All I know is a long soak in a nice warm bath or shower works wonders for aching muscles .. Adding Epsom salts makes the skin softer but its not medically designed to be absorbed through the skin like morphine patches are for example....
So for lovely soft skin and a nice soak with warm water to ease the aching muscles throw in a couple of heaped teaspoons and enjoy...
As it makes your skin soft.
I know they are good for my dogs itchy paws and come highly recommended fir that! Epsom Salts are infact Magnesium Sulphate and Magnesium is said to be good for Fibromyalgia so perhaps this is where the connection is being made x
Wow I throw in a heaped cup full. Its a safe way to absorb magnesium because for some, taking magnesium orallly can affect IBS...... but it can drop your blood pressure so be careful if low blood pressure is your issue
all this talk of baths, i wish I could get into one. Because my problems aren't just Fibro I can't get in or out of a bath so have to make do with a shower, can't stand in there either so have seat, but I'm just dreaming thinking wouldn't it be nice to just try these epsom salts out I will just have to dream
Hope they help xx (((hugs)))
Could you get someone to put them in a bowl and you could soak your feet apparantly Epsom salts make you skin soft... I was thinking of doing this for my poor neglected feet
thats a good idea. as i walk indoors most of the time in just bear feel, the skin on my feet is very hard. Hubby has been looking after my feel for the past 20 yrs, he tried to remove the rad shin but it always comes back. I'm sure being barefoot isn ideal but if I don't I end up topping over, i need to feel where I'm walking if you get what i mean.
I will get that a go thanks xxx