Is anyone suffering from this horribl... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Is anyone suffering from this horrible cold/flu bug with a very nasty chesty cough?

21 Replies

I just wondered as it's been over a week now and I feel worse than ever, it just doesn't seem to be shifting but I'm reluctant to go to the Dr and take yet more anti-biotics - any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

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21 Replies

Just got over the stomach bug that's been doing the rounds and woke up this morning with a cold eyes and nose streaming , sneezing no cough as yet... As its been over a week I would see your GP as my OH who gets lots of chest infections was told if it lasts longer than five days with no improvement come in....

Hope that helps

VG x

munchkin62 profile image

i dont know if you have any bugs going around in your area but there has been were i live and i think ive had most of them from tummy bugs to like you have flu/cold that was my last bug and it lasted a cpl of weeks i think we are more susceptical wether because of the fibro or the medications we are on but it might be wise to see your gp in case you need stronger anti-biotics i dont want to scare you but i ended up in a respiraty ward last year as i ignored a small niggly cough it turned out to be alot more seriouse !i wish you all the best and hope you feel better soon xx

in reply to munchkin62

Thank you Munchkins - I know I should go but it's just getting there. I haven't actually taken any anti-biotics this time, it's just that I've taken so many in the past I was hoping my immune system might be able to fight it off on it's own............. xx

Yes that does help thank you - I followed the advice on the NHS website which said wait for 2 weeks..............

Just got to find a way to get there as there is no way I can walk ;-(

I am so fed up.

Hope you feel better soon VG. Just wondered if it's worth asking a Dr to come and see me at home - do your docs do this for you ever? x

in reply to

Yes they have been out to me and my OH when both of us were too ill to get into the surgery and we are both only in our 40s , so its not a case of them only doing home visits for the elderly or long term housebound. I can't praise my surgery enough I consider myself very lucky

VG x

in reply to

Thank you for that, I too am in my 40's but didn't want to be a burden to them. I will ring the dr's tomorrow if there's no improvement x

shellf profile image

Yes I have a horrid dry sore throat and a dry cough, feel hot then cold and exhausted! Just want to sleep but just put it all down to fibro x

klm7777 profile image
klm7777 in reply to shellf

I have had this I'm into my third week of sore throat now, I lost my voice entirely which has never happened to me before and I visited my GP who gave me antibiotics at that time- about 2 weeks ago- the antibiotics have not made it go away or improve really because most coughs and colds are viral and unfortunately it's something we have to sit out. I can sympathise with every one of you because it really sucks being tired feeling shite and not being able to sleep on top of what is already going on. To top it all off I appear to have developed a rash now - think I need to go in the bin!

Hope you all feel better soon


slavetowork profile image
slavetowork in reply to klm7777

Hi Kim interestingly you mention a rash with your symptoms my mum has a rash it started in her feet spead up her legs and went up her back and down her arms.It was red and angry looking with red raised spots the redness died down but the rash lingers in the background does this sound like your rash? The hospital are baffled and dont seem bothered by it but she is worried.

she has a cough and cold symtoms the hospital said it was a chest infection . Anyreply greatful thanks xxx

Yes I have had it, still coughing a bit but it's not as bad as it was. Taken two weeks to get rid of, it's quite a nasty bug. All my family have had it and the grandsons have had a stomach bug too, which was also very nasty. My poor daughter has not known what sleep was. It will go eventually, the weather is not good for shaking things off. We all need some nice spring sunshine, one day is not enough lol

irisjoy profile image
irisjoy in reply to


Yes it was lovely and sunny here yesterday , just long enough for the hay fever to kick in , oh well it has the novelty factor of more tablets, thankgoodness i can afford the prepayment certificate

hamble99b profile image

lost my voice, sore throat, dry cough, tired. gp says it's a virus.


realsorelady profile image

I had a nasty cold for over 6 weeks so went docs and she says its now sinititus, get this every time I get a cold. I was in hospital last year when I got noro virus. I suffer very badly if I get stomach bugs, within an hour I am delirious and dehydrated but apparently this could be down to the fact I have IBS?

Ktlouise123 profile image
Ktlouise123 in reply to realsorelady

I had the Norovirus about 7 months ago I was awful I refused to go into hospital so the paramedics stayed with me for 6 hours from half 6 at night to half 12 1 ish in the morning.I was very poorly all day and just stayed in bed as my son was at nursery and my neighbour who has been my best mate for 5 years toke him over and picked him up for me. See then left my son with her partner to come see if i was OK. I asked her to if she could help me to the toliet. I remember her helping me stand up and it wemt blank and can remeber waking up on the floor. Her crying on the phone asking me to open my eyes. Then paramedic came and see came and put my son to bed for me I was so bad I couldn't keep anything not even a sip of water down. They put a iv drip in my hand and hung it up on a coat hanger on a nail my Mirror was on on my wall lol the only reason I refused to go to hospital was beacuse my 4 year old was asleep and my mum was also poorly so I had no one to take him for the night as my neighbour didn't have any room for him to sleep so no one to take care of him. They left at about 1ish when I manged to keep water down for a hour and I went to sleep woke up in the morning 10 times better still felt like crap was Atleast I could get out of bed without passing out. My neightbour came and got my son to spend the day with her and her kids so i could take it easy and recover by that evening i was fine. Was the worst 24 hours ever. Possitive side to it tho was i lost 2 stone in 24 hours lol but Wasn't nice atall but I've always been a strong person

bumblebee57 profile image

My sympathies to you all. Im suffering the flu thing at the mo, thanks to my son sharing it with me. He had it for 3 weeks and antibiotics didnt seem to help. I started sneezing almost constantly, then nose running like a tap, then the cough. My chest is now killing me every time i cough and Im wheezing. Should go to doc's really coz Im asthmatic. But I just havent got the energy and I dont trust myself to drive coz I feel so "spaced out". Im dosing myself up with paracetamols, cough mixture and inhalers. Yesterday was the worst day so far, one minute I was shivering, my hands were purple, I was so cold. About 20 minutes later, I was burning up, head feeling like it was going to explode. My whole body's Fibro pain has increased loads. I feel dreadful....shoot me now !! I could do without all this right now as Ive got a busy few weeks coming up, Including (hopefully) moving house. AAAAAARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH................................ Hope you all feel better soon.xx

Thanks for all your replies etc :-)

I still feel dreadful but it is easing off a little bit. I wake up one day thinking I don't feel too bad then the next it's all back to being awful again.

It's obviously a tough bug/virus.

Hope those of you who feel ill start to feel better soon xx

slavetowork profile image

I am asthmatic and have this virus at the moment, i just spent 4 days in hospital with it the wierd thing is until i got this thing i had no issues with my asthma for years didnt even need to use the preventor inhailer. It started with a sore throat dry tickly cough and heavy feeling legs and arms the cough got to sounding like a awful bark i became wheezy and breathless. I struggled into work as i didnt want to let anybody down , i work in a care home lots of germs and coughs floating around at the moment! I had it for a week a couple of wks ago no hospital that time altho the nurse at my surgery had me in every day lent me the surgery nebuliser to use 4 hourly and suggested i should really go to the hospital if the nebuliser wasnt lasting 4 hours. I was shocked and refused to consider this even tho i struggles badly especially at night.Also embaressingly the coughs were so out of control it made me urine incontinent each time i had an uncontrolable fit of coughing. I was put on steroids and antibiotics inhailers and nebuliser!

After a week of no sleep , wheezing , coughing embarresing incontinence aching and feeling awful signed of work i returned to work probably too soon so as not to be a nuisance . About a week and a half later the symptoms returned with a vengance and i had to go to A & E as i could not breath they admitted me and i came home last thursday night. I returned to work yesterday after my second week off spell in a month to be met with an unsympathatic attitute and was made to feel like a complete inconvienience i am very angry about this as in the 3 years i have been there i have always put work first and struggled in ill in fact i feel insulted.

I hope you all feel better now , my mum now has this and as she has other conditions and illnessess she is in hospital also.Weirdly enough she has a rash also ,but the hospital are baffled as to what the rash is it started in her feet and legs and spread up her back and neck and arms. strange! Any ideas?

kodiakbears profile image

I have been suffering for 3 months. Started out as sneezing and runny nose, thought it was allergies. Treated it with over the counter medicine but didn't stop it. Then turned into pnemonia, I wasn't able to walk up and down stairs, was treated with antibiotics twice, each time it came back. Then seemed to go into my upper chest and was again treated twice with different antibiotics, when the medicine was done, I could feel it starting to come back. The doctor has now put me on an inhaler Symbicort, has helped a lot, still sneezing and runny nose but at least I can breath. Don't know what it is but it is nasty and keeps coming back.

rue2345 profile image


lesley_havill profile image

I have had the same symptoms as you since the 11th December, some days I feel ok and then the next day I am back in bed with high temp and sore chest and back, I have been to my GP today and she has given me a thorough check, even had an ecg, all clear. I am like yourself so fed up with test results saying nothing wrong, she has given me more anti-biotics. Just stay strong and hopefully we will have a better new year.

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