help about advice given from a consul... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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help about advice given from a consultant not very helpfull has anyone had similer advice please.

loopyloo70 profile image
12 Replies

hi all my consultant for fibro is lovely but i saw a different consultant from a different hospital and he took one look at me and said why do you use a scooter and said to gp i need to see a shrink as im takeing my condition too siriously has anyone else been treated like this he also took me of all my pain relief saying i dont need it but i have pain all over and often cant get out of bed just like lots on this page been unwell for 6 years now this has become a big setback as my gp is now backing him and not my fibro consultant sorry to conplain.

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loopyloo70 profile image
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12 Replies
ladymoth profile image

This attitude is all too common - some consultants don't have any appreciation of fibromyalgia. Because they can't cure it they refuse to acknowledge its existence!

You do need to have pain relief, so tell your GP that you can't function without it.

If you are offered a psych consultation, go along with it. Most psychiatrists are surprisingly sympathetic to fibro sufferers, and realise that it is a physical illness, so will back you up on this. Having said that, there's no doubt that psychiatry can help with the associated depression and feelings of helplessness that fibro brings in its wake. CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) is often used to help patients combat pain, and I have found this particularly valuable.

Best of luck, and do stand up for yourself - you don't have to agree with these snotty consultants - give 'em a bit back, and tell it like it is! :)

Moffy x

comber profile image

Absolutely, and don't they hate the internet and groups such as this?

In the, 'good old days', these medical gods could pick us ignorant, bothersome patients off, one by one. A withering look down their noses at us, bit of ridicule and advice to, 'pull ourselves together', ten minutes to fill in their astronomical NHS fees form and the afternoon on the golf course.

They are now realising that;

We, as individuals, know a great deal about FM because of groups such as this one.

None of us are alone.

They work for us.

jillylin profile image

It was a clinical psychologist who provided me with a lot of support over fibre and said it does exist. My neurologist said I was just "anxious'. Just because they are doctors doesn't mean they know it all and I am sorry you have had the misfortune to meet one who is so arrogant.

Gentle hugs

in reply to jillylin


It makes you wonder why these people enter the caring profession when they have none doesn't it? I imagine it is the massive salary and the status they care about, not patients.

tulips123 profile image

Some of these doctors seem to have forgotten what their profession entails. I seem to remember a part of the hipocratic oath they give on becoming a doctor says "do no harm". Why should doctors have to be taught compassion, empathy for sick people?

Is there any chance you can go back to the other consultant? Wish you luck. Tulip xx

loopyloo70 profile image

hi all thankyou for your lovely advice i still see my first consultant thankfully and will refuse to see the other one as cant cope with idiots ......

ladymoth profile image

That's the attitude, Loopyloo - refuse to put up with shoddy treatment and rudeness!

Moffy x

mollyanna profile image

I was treated like this over 20 years ago . It has taken that long to get a diagnosis which I got in June last year ,I also have moderate arthritis in my spine feet and hands .back then they would say it is degeneration .When I asked why I had all the other pain's I was told it was referred pain and had to live with it I was even sent to see a Shrink ,who said I didn't have depression..It wasn't until I got chest pain that hurt to touch and looked it up on line , Fibromyalga came up .it was like reading my medical records. So I printed it of and the next time I saw my new lady GP who had given me all the blood tests which were all negative ..I passed her what I had printed off and said I have a suspicion I may have that She looked at it then looked at her computer screen and said I think you could be right ,and referred me to a Rheumy .Who confirmed it. I now have an understanding GP who does all she can to help me.

ehlers profile image

Iwouldask your first consultant to write to your gp on your behalf if he will to explain his findings and if he is in agreement that you should be on medication previously on that was helping you deal with pain that he recommends you are commenced on them again ASAP. Explain the stress / frustration / hurt this has caused you and how you now feel he is the only medical person that seems to understand you and treat you with dignity and respect . Ye seeing psych is not always a negative experience and often the will report back to your gp also . Gp is general practitioner therefore wide but limited knowledge and he will take his/her lead from the specialist , so if consultant 1 and psych support you then your gp will probably disregard the consultant 2 that obviously has limited knowledge in this field , and a unprofessional attitude when asking to patients x. Good luck xx hugs ( gentle ones) xx

Yorkshiregirlie profile image

Last year I saw my rheumatologist for a general exam and she told me that as I could raise my arms above my head and walk unaided I was, clearly, 'all better'. I'm afraid I told her she was an incompetent idiot, not worthy of the name Consultant. When I saw my GP and complained about this she was livid, transferred me instantly to a different hospital and consultant and wrote a rather withering letter to the person concerned. As some of the others have mentioned, while a consultant is meant to be an expert in their field, some are good, some great and some not to good. Persevere to find the right one for you! What I find helpful is to (now) always take a little notebook/diary I fill in each day with how I slept, how I feel, my various aches and pains, the intensity, any activities, etc and show this to whomever I'm consulting. (My fibro fog is sooo bad that unless I do this I literally can't remember what day of the week it is and certainly couldn't remember all the pains and areas that hurt so this notebook is a Godsend to me and the person treating me.) In the meantime, I do hope you avail yourself of any offered counselling because, as you know, fibro is a major downer, mentally as well as physically, so anything that might help alleviate at least some of the feelings of hopelessness and depression has to be a good thing. Sending positive thoughts of healing your way. :-)

Jjudith profile image

Before I was diagnosed I paid £250 to a neurologist who told me that I was doing it to myself!!!!!!!!!!!!! A lot of money to be told off. I was angry.

report him, there are loads like him. Same here, I reported her, she was not willing to help anyway so if those "consultants" behave like criminals, we have to fight back the only way we can.

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