Does anyone else have very or no appe... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Does anyone else have very or no appetite.?

Petra profile image
17 Replies

Feel nauseous and full/bloated/painful tummy.Seem to have lost taste.Extremely tired but not on any medications as am allergic to them.Been like this for a while now but have not been to doctors only spoken on the phone and she suggested a blood test.Cannot speak to family as I think they think it is in my head and also get fed up with me saying I am tried.Am getting very behind with chores at home and cannot find aything house in a mess.Husband works from home but it mostly my mess. Help.

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Petra profile image
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17 Replies

Hi Petra

I think you need to go to your doctors and explain the situation. They will be able to examine you and decide the best course of action. There is only so much they can say and do without seeing you.

Sadly alot of families don't understand our conditions as they can't see them. Have a look on our website at all the info about fibro and show it to your hubby and ask him to read it. He may then understand how you feel.

I don't cope with house work very well either. You could make a list maybe of the most important chores that need doing and then maybe do one a day. Also ask hubby to help you.

You must try to eat a little something as an empty tum give you cramps and small sips of fluid too.

Stay in touch and let us know what the doctor says and look after yourself.

Piggy hugs xxxx

in reply to

Well said Piggie, please let us know how you get on at the Doctors Petra.

Take care xxxx

Well house work is not important but you are, it will get done,

You will have days when you feel like doing it and then you

Will be able to do a little.

Your family will have to try and understand, it's more than being

Tired, and you can't help it, it will get better, but you will get it

Again, if you push yourself you will make your pain worse.

As for not eating yes I go through periods that I don't want food

And then when I do eat I feel full very fast. For me this seems to

Last for a few months.

I don't have a bloated tummy but there are times that I have painful areas

My tummy, it would be safer for you to see your doctor.

Love viv

munchkin62 profile image

i have very little or no appettie most of the time but i am on alot of meds and put it down to that,as for family not understanding tell me about it lol i think many of us have that problem it can be very upsetting and lonley but we are here for you we know the pain you are in and understand completly,and like the others have suggested a visit to your gp would help you,take care xx

irisjoy profile image

Hi Petra

i have va very small appetite and never eat a whole meal, my tummy bloats and sometimes food is tasteless . I find little and often works best for me

A visit to the GP does sound like the best option

take care J

hamble99b profile image

H, Petra, I have this too but I am on a lot of meds.

I mostly don't like food, but we need to eat little but often and drink lots of fluids.

someone suggested cream crackers and I find them a good solution.

as for housework - I cannot manage. It's clean, but not neat and tidy.

sending you a hug (( :) ))


tettridge profile image

Hi All

Over the last year my appetite has virtually disappeared and I have lost interest in food. I used to be a really big eater but at the moment Food just holds no interest, it is not that `I am not eating but I find it all so hard to get enthusiasm for food.

Take care and Kindest regards


Mandypandy1969 profile image
Mandypandy1969 in reply to tettridge

I am exactly the same.

diane63 profile image

me tol.. but i am on lots of meds... i never eat a meal, i occassionaly eat a wee bit toast, and thats all i can have in a day... my prob is... when i tell them this, even the doc, they look at me as if to say.. well u still look over weight to me.. i cant shift the weight, i am not trying to, i have enough probs in life without worrying about this at this time.. but i cant eat,,, i drink about 4 cups of tea a day and that is my water limit to.. my skin is all breaking out in like paper cuts, even cream dont help.. i cant excercise because of my fibro and hip and very sore ankles when walking,,,,, my family are constantly trying to get me to eat, but i just dont fancy anything... so i can see where u are coming from xx

Raffael profile image

I go though long periods of nothing, but iced water and bread sticks. So much so that I was sent to see a dietician and went thought all of them before the head dietician diagnosed me with anorexia...I was livid. Being young and female I was thought I was being written off as having an eating disorder. However it was gently and patiently explained to me that it was not anorexia nervosa that I had but a very small apatite. There is nothing wrong with the way I look at food. They offered a tube feed at first but I decided to wait, hold off if I could. I changed my eating habits, trying to pack in as much nutrition into the tiny meals as I could. Fat free vanilla yogurt sprinkles with nuts and fruit, apple slices smeared with peanut butter and the like. People with Fibro (and often ME) have IBS also, and the body as to work very hard to pull in nutrition. I take a good multivitamin, top up meals with complain when I need it and eat lightly and exercise. This works for me and may help you or at least let you know what we are with you in support and thoughts. It's not easy but we can do it. Take care.

Petra profile image

Hi guys and girls, thanks for your input it is good to know that I am not alone with very little appetite and other issues relating thereto.You just think you are losing everything in real life.Huge hugs to everyone out there.BE POSITIVE.Take care Fibromates xx

sue57 profile image

OMG!! I wish my appetite had decreased!! I always feel nauseous in the morning when I wake, every morning, but come lunchtime I could eat a horse between 2 bread vans!! Unfortunately I've been told this is due to my diabetes medication!! XXX

fairycazzie profile image

Hi petra

please see your Dr to chat about things so they can help you.

i get all what you say and have done for a lot of years!!

i am a nibbler little and often but when things are playing up it is i have no apetite and then realise if hubby asks me what hav you eaten today i actually thing blimey i have not eaten and not even entered my head, yet i am on medication lyrica and pain meds and lansoperazole too as i get a lot of nausea even just the thought of food, i have put on a massive 2 stone since lyrica in 2011 and now just hitting near the maximum strength (which this is a big side effect of lyrica ) also what i got annoyed about as Dr said ( theres a few in my surgery) but one said what do you want your health or weight hmmmm i said both and thats contradictive!! as weight can cause health issues and i am petite and light framed too but now i look like umpa lumpa lol .

but you should always seek help for things you are worried about as it could be something or nothing , better to check than leave to get worse .

i could always eat what i wanted when i wanted and never shift an ounce and since the meds i have piled it on.

hugs caroline xxx

Paxtonie profile image

Omg I have had nausea, no appetiteand bad all over abdominal pains since the 28th of December. It's got to the point now after many examinations my GP is at a loss so has referred me to the gastro. XXX

anbuma profile image

i to don't have any appetite,i can only eat breakfast and a small meal at midday and often that goes to my dogs as i cant finish it.

adapting profile image

hello, i havn't got the energy to read the thread but i've been on a smoothie and soft food diet dor a long time due to bad appetite and TMJ

you can get all you need by juicing fruits and vegetables, also you can grind nuts and seeds to powder in a blender

you can find lots a appetising recipes on line, i like the juice masters (jason vale)

Mandypandy1969 profile image

The thought of food makes me feel sick. I eat when I am told I have to eat but I don't want food. I never fancy anything. I am on no meds for fibromyalgia. I have always enjoyed my food but I have had no appetite for weeks. I was told I have fibromialgia 3 weeks ago but no letter about it has arrived to me or my g.p. Yet. I am stressing about lots of things which I know doesn't help. I am the worlds biggest worrier.

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