As far as I am aware pain in the bones is not usual with Fybro? I have a pain shooting down my left shin bone? It comes and goes but the pain is severe and is making me feel sick. Is this related to Fybro?
Does anyone have bone pain? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone have bone pain?

Pain from Fibro can be felt anywhere in the body, including the bones. Fibro is a central brain disorder and the pain is not associated with local trauma or disease, so it can appear to be originating from anywhere.
Myofascial pain, which is a common complication of Fibro, can also cause shooting pains as trigger points press on nerves.
If this is a completely new symptom, it is worth mentioning it to your GP though, especially if it worsens.
Hi Kasha,I asked for a vitamin D test because ALL my bone hurt to touch or like you my shins are really painful.
The pain in my shins started when I had my first slipped disc,and I was told pain below the knee can be a sign of back problems.
My vitamin d level was very low and that can mimick fibro and also make your bones painful.
Worth asking your doc for a test,as people with fibro can be low in it.
Hugs Butterfly54xxxxx
I have bone pain - the pain radiates from my very bones - a deep aching. (I have osteopenia).

Hi Reflections,do you find this pain is in every bone(i like you have the deep constant aching),it`s my shin bones,forearm and upper arms as well as other places.And I don`t agree that they are all fibro points.
Don`t seem to be able to say about this without being told about myofacial pain and such like.
But I have a severly low vit d level and I`m going to have bone density scan.
I know from what I`ve read osteopenia would be better than osteoporosis.
So I keeping fingers crossed.
Love and hugs Butterfly54xxxxx

P.S Reflections,I don`t get shooting pains,do you?.It`s as fadedblossom says it`s like toothache and the deepest nagging pain.
Hugs Butterfly54 xxxxx
Thanks everyone the vit D is worth thinking about, I will mention to my doctor when I next see her, thanks again xxxx
Yes I get pains in my bones, I don't think there are many places my pain doesn't reach to be honest. It's always worth a mention to your GP to rule out anything else and also to see if your medication/s need reviewing. Shooting pains are common with Fibro too, I get those often particularly through the sides of my feet, through my legs - it's very intense. I mentioned it to my Consultant Rheumatologist and she prescribed me Methocarbamol tablets, which has helped a lot. When I feel I can't manage the pain level, the tablets bring relief within one hour normally. I hope it eases very soon for you Kasha! Take care
i have toothache in the bones most of the timeas well as arithis in the jointsthe two are very different. hope you feel better soon petal

Thats an excellent way of describing it "toothache in the bones" that is such a good description xxxx
Hi Kasha. I have shooting pains down my right arm, and right leg, it starts from my top of leg and feels like a red hot poker shooting down to my ankle, then it feels like it turn to freezing cold. I can tell you it take my breath, cant talk while its happening. Also the same going down my right arm from shoulder. I did say to the Doc 12months ago I thought it was somethink different, he told me it wasnt and did a full blood count to prove to me it was ok. Maybe I have pain down right side because I`m right handed! Hope this makes sence?? If you are worried just go and see your GP. x Ann x
i get odd bone pain xx but dont forget id its new check it out
gentle dyslexic hugs
i suffer from pains in my shins all the time , i worse time is at night and in the morning , to get down the stairs is very painful.when i have walked for a long time i feel like my legs are in a vice and being pulled .pins and needles is another one which is horrible which i,m suffering from at the moment , lets see tomorrow what the doctors has to say ,
Yes I have bone pain very badly. I have AVN in my right knee and recently had experimental surgery on my left knee for it. To fox the left knee they took my bone marrow and a cadavers bone graft and grow me a new knee. Both knees still hurt constantly. My pelvic also hurts because it is unhinged and it is bone rubbing against bone every time I I walk.I often vomit (excuse my language) from the pain. I know nothing about Fibromyalgia except for I don't have it. I am currently trying to get my insurance to above burtans patches. I was on Nycenta and it worked well but my insurance company decided after 3 mo ths they didn't want to pay for it anymore.
When the weather changes my bones actually hurt its the very core of them and nothing touches it.
It just might be a mast cell problem. Changes in weather, high winds, vibration, sound and lots of other odd things can trigger mast cell degranulation. Mast cells are located next to nerves and can cause (considerable) pain. Any sign of raised sensitivity to foods, chemicals etc, histamine reactions? I particularly notice weather changes make pain worse as well as making me more food sensitive. Vitamin D is important anyway, so worth getting it checked and optimal. Vit C and magnesium are natural mast cell stabilisers and may help (quercetin is another option), and you could try an anti-histamine although a mast cell stabiliser may be more use, as it isn't just histamine release that is the problem. Best wishes
hi kasha, yes I get bone pain him my shins and bones at the back of my feet, and my skull it feels like someone as smacked me on thehead with a metal bar in places