Anyone tried CYMBALTA DULOXOTINE ????... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Anyone tried CYMBALTA DULOXOTINE ?????? Advice much needed ...

lavenderheart profile image
8 Replies

Having worked my way through all meds possible to try and none suit tried lyrica you name it I've tried it - gp now wants me to try duloxotine which we have held off trying as it clashes with maxalt wafers that I have for migraines but been soooo ill she thought I should give them a go - gave me 60mg tabs and took one thu eve was up all night being violently ill and hot burning sensation all over felt reeeeaaally ill didn't move off sofa yesterday just for a change - rang gp who wants me to try a lower 30mg dose and build it up slowly but I'm not sure I feel ill enough don't see the point of filling your body with drugs that make you worse !!! Wondered if anyone has good reports of this drug as I know it works for some people ?? Many thanks

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lavenderheart profile image
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8 Replies
ladymoth profile image

Hi lavender,

Sorry you have had such a bad experience. Some people get on fine with Duloxetine, others don't, and like you I was one of the ones who couldn't get on with it at all. I was very unwell after taking it - both ends! I thought at first I'd had a tummy bug, but a second try gave the same results.

You have to learn to live with fibro, and many people who have been affected for years have

settled on a regular dose of pain medication, a mild sedative at night and supplements such as cod liver oil and vit B complex.

Taking care of yourself seems to work as well as any potent drugs, so as you say - if you really don't get on with it, there's not much point in battling with it.

Obviously you need to discuss this with your GP as it's dangerous to mess about with medication, but ask what alternatives there are for you.

Make a list of your symptoms in order of severity, and see what you can do to help yourself feel better - for instance if pain is your main problem, ask for adequate pain-killers and ask about pain management courses.

If exhaustion bothers you most then take extra breaks and learn to 'pace' yourself.

I have found most relief from doing relaxation exercises and trying to be as active as I can within my limits. Together with good pain medication these things have made my life quality pretty much OK, but we're all different and what suits one won't suit another!

Don't give up - there's no magic cure for fibro, but with perseverance you can find a way round most problems.

Hope this helps and that you soon find an improvement.

Love Moffy x

lavenderheart profile image

Ah thankyou for that. Sadly my GP who has always been very nice is now loosing patience I think she said she has nothing left to offer but this drug she is dropping me of the 30mg tabs on monday so I'll give it another go all other meds just zonk me out ........I've had accupuncture you name it I've had it been on pain management course for 12wks all that taught me was to pace yourself which is easier said than done - having really bad flare up at the moment not moved from sofa since xmas just no Energy whatsoever then you get down as your house gets messier and messier each day altho I know it shouldn't matter but it does I have CFS as well as and to be honest I could manage the pain better if I had more energy but GP just keep doling out different antidepressants all the time I'm sure they're on commision from the drug companys ha ha !! ...........what meds do you have for pain relief ? Gp has never give me anything for pain so I just take paracetamol which is total waste of time ..............I also have at the moment huge burning sensation radiating down from my neck to shoulderblades and down my arms I did ask GP is it was more MS but she said no cos my regular blood tests were normal yet others say MS can't be diagnosed by blood test I am at a loss !! Really does seem as if you are totally on your own to find a solution ah well plodding on as they say !! Thank you x x

bluebird123 profile image
bluebird123 in reply to lavenderheart

I have cfs and fibro, my specialist recently put me on to gabapentin and for me its been like a wonder drug it has reduced the pain dramatically, I was taking 10 dihydrocodine a day topped up with 6-8 paracetamol I'm now down to 2 dihydrocodine and the occassional paracetamol. I also take duloxitine mainly for nerve pain in my legs, never had any problems with them, go started me on 60mg and increased it to 120mg as my mood was getting really low. If you haven' t already tried the gabapentin I would definately reccommend you give it a go.

manga666 profile image

I have been on duloxotine for over a year now and found it has sorted my bladder problems out as well as helping to manage my fibro. I have a good drs and they put me on morphine patches almost straight away since I have been on very high painlullers, as nothing kills the pain, for about 30 years. hope this doesnt sound patronising but I personally have had good experience with this medication so sorry you havent xx

lavenderheart profile image

Thank you blue bird - sadly I have tried gabapentin had lyrica (which I had to ask for ) every anti depressant going my GP says this duloxetine is all she has to offer me now but she has “never” given my any pain relief tabs I just take over the counter meds which are not very strong - basically think she is about to give up on me - going to write another blog now on subject og gp's as having trouble in that dept ......

michaelb62 profile image

Like you I have tried everything going just stopped gabapentin again as it was doing nothing, tried duloxetine did nothing to help and it is pointless taking anything unless you see a good result from dosing yourself up with more pills. One of my GP's gave up with me and sent me to another gp in the same surgery as he knows more about fybro went to see him again on Friday he has upped my morphine to see how that goes then may retry pregabalin although don't think i liked side effects last time but will give it a go again to either stay on it or eliminate it I cannot take anti inflammatories because of my sensative stomach. He did say about my mental state which always annoys me as my mental state is what it is because of the pain and not sleeping. I told him i was in a good place mentally at present why do they like to always make you feel it is in your head. I have explained i don't sit around thinking oh god i'm in pain. I get on with life as much is possible I have found my cross stitch keeps me sane even if it irritates my osteoarthritis in my right thumb i refuse to give it up as it is my therapy. Hope you sort your meds out soon. Gentle hugs

lavenderheart profile image

Sounds like you are pretty similar to me as well as every med possible had accupuncture been on pain management course sessions with the mental health nurse can you believe !!! I too think they try to suggest its all in the head now GP wants me to apply myself for some local councelling sessions but been there done that etc etc all they do is tell you to rest and pace yourself which is easy when you don't have to earn a living and have 4 children alth hubby is very good - my GP on friday even asked what I had come for !!! Well excuse me I thought you were being paid to be a GP and help people - can honestly say she has NEVER given me ANY pain meds just one anti depressant after another even though I can't take them as they just zonk me out !! Sorely tempted to change but how do you find a GP sympathetic to fibro etc even thinking of writing to the other GP's in the town see if anyone else is a bit more in line with it - hubby even asked a new young gent GP we've got did he believe in fibro to which his reply was it wasn't whether he believed but whether he could make me feel better so from that I take it no he doesn't !!!!!!!!!!!! Its like banging your head against the wall if half the medical profession don't believe we're really up against it !!!!!!! So fed up with it all really ............. Take care x

motzie profile image

hi lavendarheart, so sorry to see you are having a terrible time, i have just tried duloxetine & decided to stop it due to side effects disagrees with me. It seems a very high dose to start with ,i am fortunate to have good a good GP & together are trying to sort meds out. I started on 20mg to gradualy build up to full strength & as i said to no avail. I've had accupunctre and a pain management like effect.

I have decided to try with my pain meds ...Tramadol, cocodamol & gone back on amitriptaline for depression and is good for pain i have been told.

I think most people when having a bad time with there GPs try & change them. I think it is very strange you have not had help in pain releif, I would ask why she has not advised you on some.

I hope you find some new GP to help and be more understanding that knows something about fibromyalgia. I have looked on diffrent sites to find out about Fibro, there is a NHS site that you think your GP could of looked at. I hope you get help that suits you. take care x Mary.

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