hi peeps. i am findin this cold weather really effects my fibro and my arthritis, then again when its too hot it effect me,): i am movin house soon, am pleasd but scared too as i a gettin very stressed about it, xx
cold: hi peeps. i am findin this cold... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi sandycat, I think a lot of us suffer with a broken body thermostat, it seems to be a part of the condition we share. I find extremes of temperature very hard to manage too. Congratulations on your house move, how exciting! Try to get as much help as possible on the day and I'm sure it will all go well. Jane x
To hot..to cold..yep it effects me aswell,a friend at my fibro support group has just moved house very successfully,she literally packed a couple boxes a day and no more so she didn't over do it,pacing worked really well for her,she felt like she just wanted to keep on packing stuff but stopped herself,she's moved into a bungalow and said she has already noticed she is sleeping better,I do hope your move goes ok...just remember to pace..xx
Yup my arthritis is hating the cold so I sieze up then my fibro flares, but I hate really hot, moved just over a year ago on the hottest day in the summer and even with professional movers it wasn,t fun, but the move to a bungalow was well worth it
GOod luck
VG x
My thermostat has been broken for years. if I am cold I get a warm bath. If I am too hot I go and get a cool bath lol, problem solved. I hope you feel better soon xxxxx
It is like throwing a coin hot =heads cold tails I wish it would level off. The cold is terrible with arthritis the joints really groan. So while you are moving try and stay warm and good luck xgins
Hiya we fibromites seem to have trouble with our body thermomiters....good luck on your move, take care, slow & easy as they say xx Mary.
Good morn all. Thank u all for your lovely messages. its so nice havin people to talk to who can understand our illness.we get keys to our new place on sat. but we not movin in just yet gonna do wat u all said just takin it easy. my partner has sold his place. i priviate rent mine. we still gonna rent. sometimes i feel my partner dont understand how i feel. u r all lovely people.xx