Day 3 of quit smoking.: Oh my days. It... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Day 3 of quit smoking.

11 Replies

Oh my days. It feels like self harm! Lol fibro pains just as bad as usual and the m.e exhaustion is keeping me away from buying them from the shop ( no shop in the village, so its a bus ride into town) my OH is on strict orders not to buy me any, no matter how bad I get! Update on the crap doctor situation ( previous blog) my social worker is phoning up the gp surgery to " have words" with them about the lack of care. I'm hoping I will get an appology with a script for some anxiety, and pain relief meds.......I can hope lol. Not the best time at all to quit smoking, but its been booked and been getting ready for it for months. Only problem is my sense of smell is so much better ( they say better) but as you know, with our heightend smell anyway, not do sure on that lol. Xx

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11 Replies
Ginsing profile image

Well done keep going you are doing brilliantly. I am an ex smoker the first week is the hardest then it will get easier hang on in there xgins

in reply to Ginsing

Thanks xgins. I've snapped more than a crocodile last few days, finding it hard. Glad its only a week then it gets easier x

pinkblossom profile image

Well done you,iv got myself some of the fruit cum so in the new year I plan to quit myself,I have stopped before but sadly gone back to it,the longest I have given up is 2 years,I know all the pros and cons of smoking and I know how realy hard it is,what realy worries me is the weight I will put on,usually its about 1 1/2 stone,in the past year iv already put on 2 stone since iv beem on pregabalin,I'm not going to let me stop me!i think I need to realy set myself an exercise programme as well as realy looking at what I eat,I have noticed that with the amount of time iv had off work in the past year iv smoked loads more and I know have a lot of rubbish on my chest,if you haven't started yet you'll find yourself coughing a lot soon to get rid of rubbish,if you've never given up before my advice to you is because your sence of taste comes back food tastes lovely so keep and eye on what you eat,you'll also find that the erge to smoke only lasts about 10 mins so you need to have things in place to occupy your mind,keep us updated on how you get on and how you feel,if you're having a hard time Come and chat to us here,im sure there's loads of exsmokers here that have quit successfully so know what your going through,I will also say that it's when you get to the 3rd week that's when you start to wonder why you've given up and that's when you realy need to be on your guard,trust me I know all the pit falls but this time I realy do need to stop so will probably get my Doc to refer me to the stop smoking clinic,good luck,you know you can do it,if you've had the will power to smoke then you've got it to stop!..x

in reply to pinkblossom

Thanks for the advice. Will watch out for week 3! Not coughed yet, its been quite the opposite, I've stopped.coughing and haven't used my inhaler since I quit ( got asthma) feel good too, just the cravings are a nightmare. Good luck to you too xx

jacksie profile image

hi there just to say i'm an x smoker ,i smoked for 40 years and i enjoyed them.when i was diagnosed with fibro i decided it was time to give up,not only that i was smoking at least 30 a day it worried me that much i gave up with the help of champix,these tablets are's a 12 week course if my memory is right,as you get through a couple of weeks you don't wan't a ciggy at all.if i can do it anyone can,but don't get me wrong i still crave for one,but it passes over.jacksiex

in reply to jacksie

Hi, they wouldn't put me on champix for some reason. Using patches and lozenges. I was smoking about 30 a day too, I wasn't enjoying them anymore, although, I with one now lol. I started when I was 11, I'm now 28 so thought enough now. That's what worrys me, I spoke to a lady today and she had quit for 4 years and still craves! Xx

in reply to

And well.done for quitting after 40 years! That's amazing :) x

pinkblossom profile image

Well done jacksie,that's brilliant to give up after 40 years!i iv been smoking 30 years and I realy don't think it's doing my fibro any good at all,iv tried in the past so I know I can do it again,I just need to set myself a date and stick with it!..x

in reply to pinkblossom

Good luck for your next attempt. Quitting helps my fibro, as I don't have to go out in the garden every half hour for a cig. Brrrr! Lol x

nanny4 profile image

Hi there,good luck on giving up smoking,I gave up 5 years ago,I was smoking 40+ a day,I managed to give up with the nicotine patches and my local practice nurse.To be honest I surprised myself,I actually gave up for a couple of reasons,I was on hormone replacement patches and had an increased risk of breast cancer.My mum had had breast cancer in her early 40's and I was in my early 40's and started to get blue feet.My g.p told me that if I didn't give up smoking I could loose my feet,due to the poor circulation.I had smoked for 29 years,I managed to give up,and have no set backs along the way.I thought the patches would be a waste of time,but obviously not! I don't crave a cigarette,but now and then when I smell the smoke,I enjoy the smell,but hate stale cigarette smell.So from someone who never believed I would be able to give up,try the nicotine supplements,and slowly decrease them,with help from your practice nurse.On a rubbish note,I still got breast cancer after going up,but hey! It was in my genes.Good luck.Sandy

Started smoking again last night :( did 4 days. Just don't think I was. Mentally ready. Cravings got too much, and got stuck in that awful cycle of eating because I crave, then craving because I've eaten. My pains were so bad I just gave in. Today I am keeping count of how much I smoke and triggers, cut some out each day over a period of time. And do the cut down to quit way. Going to see stop smoking nurse today. xx

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