i joined here hoping for information, all i could find was random posts that didnt tell me anything. i was given links. the first link took me to the same random posts. the second one took me to a site where it was stuck on a shop and wouldn't let me do anything else. but why isnt the second link on the side with the other links? not that its helpful lol as cannot view anything except the shop with event news lol think I'll find somewhere else. its all too jumbled and confusing, as if life isnt confusing enough
i came for information: i joined here... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
i came for information

morning I am quite new. I found it confusing at first, and still do a bit. But finding I have to work at it. But must say if you persevere the rewards are good, and the people on here are lovely, and are really helpful with anything you want to ask, and actually feel that I am getting to know them. l have fibrmyalgia amongst other things. you only have to ask. Hope you stay and find the help you need xx Uggycat
If you have specific questions you want to ask go ahead and ask, everyone on here has Fibro and many other conditions. We support each other as best we can offering advice and a friendly ear, however as Fibro affects us all differently we don't always share the same experiences.
Don't give up please xx
Hello....When I first joined it was a little confusing (I put it down to my brain fog!) but soon get the hang of it and it has done me so much good being able to get information and support and laughs!! Please keep trying and one of us may be able to sort things out for you..xxTrikki
Hello carol-lint
I am sorry to hear you were unable to find the information that you needed.
Perhaps if you could let me know what you were needing help with, I could try to help you?
The forum is not the easiest to navigate, but once you have got the hang of it everyone seems to manage just fine.
If you could bet get back to me I will do my best to help you.
Lu x
Hi again
I have looked at your profile and seen that you haven't actually posted a question yet.
It may well be that you were given an old link to somewhere. I'm sure if you gave us a chance we could at least try to help you.
Lu x
thank you to all who replied, but i dont thijk this is for me, its even more jumbled and confusing than a facebook group lol. i just want something with specific things to click on and read. im sure there must be something organised out there, thought a health site and charity would of been lol
try the mother site then. But you are missing out. No information board can give you information like the people on this site. The first time I posted a question i had over 30 replies and PMs all advising me. If you're looking for info that the dwp would post this is not the place for you - if you want real peoples' experiences then this is xx
Ask, One of the admisnistrators or someone like me will give you the answer to your question. Good luck
I've offered twice. If I don't know what carol-lint is looking for I can't help them.
Lu xx
Lol I find it confusing myself but I thought it was me, just being dumb. And I've thought a couple of times should I ask Ken or you if I'm doing things wrong 🤔 but am getting there (I think). Xx
Maybe try asking a specific question, if anyone can help they will xx
thanx everyone, i was looking for info as my friend has fibro, i wouldnt know what to ask, i dont need support. and no im not a troll im not that ugly, but thanx for that. i just want info, i tried your other site and as i said it wouldn't move off the shop tab. so thanx again but i will look elsewhere
If you try clicking on this link it will take you to the FMA UK website:
Scroll down and you will be able to click on more pages.
I hope that you can find the information you want.
Lu x
Hi Lu I know my way around as you know but it took me about 6 attempts clicking the right place for it to come up it kept going back to the top eg Information, I am on my tablet so I wonder whether this is why she has been having problems. It is as though it is oversensitive and of course on a tablet the lettering comes up very tiny and can be difficult to click the right place. I did get to the right place eventually but I could imagine a newbie getting frustrated. I have never had that problem when I have been using my laptop and have been using a mouse, just a thought.😁
Ok what information do you wantIv had Fibro for nine years so fire away I will try to help
I am so genuinely sorry that we are not what you were looking for and I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck.