Shingles/Herpes Zoster: Hi, I would... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Shingles/Herpes Zoster

35 Replies


I would like to hear from any-one who has had Shingles/Herpes Zoster virus please. Mine appeared

at the end of my spine. I had not been offered the vaccine routinely and wonder whether I should still ask to have it.

Best Wishes

Mini Mouse

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35 Replies
Extremelygrumpy profile image

I had shingles about 4 years ago blooming painful...on right shoulder top of arm... Gp just treated it .. Have never been asked if I would like a vaccine... But I did have chicken pox twice despit thinking you could only get it once then got shingles .... My immune system for that must be missing.... My body has the fascinating capacity to ignore me and only work when it wants to. Hope you are recovering or have recovered

VG xx

in reply toExtremelygrumpy

Hi Verygrumpy and all : )

It looks like we are not alone. I see there is a Poll box at the top and not looked to see what it does yet. If it is for members to use, I will try to do a Poll. If not will watch to see how many replies and how people have managed. Would like to know if it came up in more than one place at once

I have overlapping conditions and since the HZ took hold wondered whether many of us with fms had had it. Hug from me if that`s okay : )

Best Wishes

Mini Mouse

Good Morning VG,

Nice to hear from you : ) Poor you getting chicken pox twice then Shingles.......rotten luck. Shingles sounds so like shingle on a beach lol I recall my cousin having Shingles, she lives too far away for me to visit,but I was told she was very poorly....I thought `Oh, how can chicken pox be that bad?` I know.

The virus came up at the end of my spine and `below parts` a few months ago. I had left it too late for the anti-viral to work efficiently. Should be taken within first 72 hours.

Also I was told it only usually comes up in one place at a time but I had awful pain in an eye. Still getting pain.

Apparently it can keep coming back especially as people get older :(

I had intended doing a free poll but read that their 70`s are going to be asked to have the vaccine....seems a bit late to me, especially as we are expected to work until we drop.

What do you say VG ?

Best Wishes

Mini Mouse

Extremelygrumpy profile image

After having flu vaccine .. Never again ... I think if I actually make it to 70 I won,t bother it might just finish me off.... But that's just me ...I know plenty of people have had the flu vaccine with no problems

VG xx

I had shingles in my teens (around my waist in response to living with kids with chicken pox) and haven't had it back. I'm in my 50's now. My brother had it around his eye a couple of years ago. The trouble is the virus tracks along nerves so the pain can come back. I'm struggling to see how a vaccine could help if you've already had it. The nerve is already affected? It works the same as a cold sore. If you get run down the virus comes out to play. It's dormant in your system between flare ups. Like using zovirax or something for cold sores to nip it in the bud, you need an anti viral for when you feel that first tingle. It's not new infections, so it seems to me too late for any vaccine to work now x just my thoughts though x

in reply to

Hi Stepper,

Thank you for sharing with me.

Apparently people should be seen straight away if spots come up in the eye area. I only had pain but it was so awful I would hate to get it again. GP said not to worry it was incidental. (Lol) it didn`t seem incidental/co-incidence to me, it felled me to the chair :(

It`s an interesting subject now for me. Did your brother recover well ?

I agree, it does seem odd about the vaccine. I downloaded or uploaded ?? : ) some information a while ago. There is a mention of the European views on it + UK.

Thank you again.

Best Wishes

Mini Mouse

in reply to

Hi mini mouse

My brother is fine now, but he did have to change his job to a less stressful role. He's a head teacher and was supporting two failing schools when he caught it. He's settled into one easier school now and has the right support. It seems to have made a big difference.

Of course stress is a big issue with Fibromyalgia. I'm sure its connected x

I hope you recover well and stay well x

soulsusie profile image

Hello Mini Mouse, I have had recurring cold sores throughout my life, and I had shingles 3 times pre diagnosis and since I have had shingles 6 times. The last time I had 3 bouts in a 6 week period and each time seems to get worse and the pain is horrid. Gentle Hugs x x x x

in reply tosoulsusie

Hi soulsusie,

It must be awful for you...6 times? Gentle Hugs from me to you : )

Have you ever been offered the vaccine?

As Stepper said, it seems odd to be giving the vaccine so late in life. I thought that straight away too. Lets see what else comes up from other people. We can see (perhaps) what helped them.

I have just found the papers I looked at about vaccine but I don`t think it is allowed to mention other links or research? Could some-one please advise me as I have only just joined.

Best Wishes

Mini Mouse

Midori profile image

Hi Mini Mouse,

I have had Shingles, after not getting Chicken Pox until I was 32! It was a bad bout, as it is when you get it as an adult. My Shingles was om my forehead (I looked like a Klingon extra from Star trek!). My GP gave me some anti-wiral tablets, which helped clear it up quite quickly.

Cheers, Midori

Hi Midori,

Thank you for getting in touch. It really is horrid to get this condition in later years.

I am chuckling about the Klingon effect though - lol -in fact my shoulders are rocking. I watch Star Trek from time to time, since my children were very young. I am a Stargate Universe fan too when I get time to watch it : ) We could use some future knowledge ......Beam us up Scottie : )

Gentle Hug

Mini Mouse x

Lianne profile image

Hi Minimouse,

I had shingles 27 years ago now at the same time as i had viral meningitis, i was also 3 months pregnant. I was extremely ill from the meningitis and they kept me unconcious for 7 days in hospital. I remember the pain was horrendous, the shingles ran along the nerves in my back. I was given very,very large purple zovirax tablets and they cleared it up. I have never had them since, thank god. I understand that once you've had them it stays in your system dormant. Coming into contact with anyone with chicken pox can set them off again. Also i don't know if your aware that you must not come into contact anyone who's pregnant, while you have shingles. Or so i was told.

Hope that you soon recover from them very soon.


in reply toLianne

Hi Lianne,

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me.

What an an awful thing to happen, and I can empathise with you.

We also had meningitis in the family around the same time, perhaps a bit further back. The memories of that awful time fade but are easily remembered. I wont intrude further Lianne unless you want to share again. Besides our own family experience one of my nice neighbours also caught the meningitis virus, really sad.

Yes, thank you, I`m aware of not coming in to contact with anyone and have passed the infectious stage now : ) Wish I`d known more about the signs of Herpes Zoster though.

Thanks again for sharing and gentle Hug to you.

Mini Mouse x

Lianne profile image
Lianne in reply to

Hi Mini Mouse,

You are not intruding huni, if there's anything you want to discuss it's not a problem for me. A few months after i had meningitus my friends 14 yr old daughter caught it and died within 3 days. Such a terrible illness, such terrible times.

Gentle hugs to you too huni

Lianne xx

in reply toLianne


Thank you :) x

Lianne profile image

Ps i have suffered from cold sores ever since :( Don't know if this is relevant lol. But they treat cold sores with Zovirax cream.

soulsusie profile image

Just saw your post.... cold sores and shingles are from the very same herpes simplex virus!!

Lianne profile image

Cheers Soul Susie, i thought they were but wasn't sure. :)

BenLes profile image

I had shingles when I was 19 and at college. I had to have two weeks off and lost loads of weight. My dr prescribed triogesics which I think no longer exist. They were much too strong and were changed to distalgesics. He also gave me some ointment to put on the rash which worked a treat. The pains lasted for years afterward though, I had it around my ribs. Only this week I've been signed off work with stress and I have the same pains in my ribs, I hope I'm not heading for another dose of shingles. Btw you cannot get shingles unless you have previously have chicken pox, the virus lies dormant in your body and comes out at times of stress. You can't get it from someone who has chicken pox! I have had friends who have suffered with shingles in recent years and have given them aloe Vera gel to apply to the rash, it seems to help a lot. I used it on my children when they had chicken pox and neither of them have any scars from the chicken pox!

in reply toBenLes

Hi Benles,

It`s interesting from a Fibromyalgia point of view. I have not had to fill out the new Atos paper /questions myself, but heard how dreadful this is for people. If you are able perhaps you might give Herpes Zoster a mention to find out whether they ask if (FMS) claimants have had the virus ? I am new here so don`t know anyone. There is a site with Shingles information but not sure whether allowed to mention? They do say that it cannot come up in two places at once though : ( However I have read that it can.

I had a friend from Jamaica she said to be careful of Alo as can cause reaction in some people...but could give a try: ) Thank you for sharing.

Minimouse x

BenLes profile image

As I'm not allowed to mention any trade names the aloe I use is from Florida and is sold in a large supermarket beginning withT!


Thank you BenLes every little elps : )

glochessum profile image

OMG!! that was so good to read. I thought I was the only one to get shingles in such a queer place. I get it regularly, end of my spine where your bottom starts. I hadn't heard of anyone else getting it in the same place before. I have just got over a bout, the worst it has ever been, I even had pain in my groin and hips.

I get it 2 or 3 times a year. I didn't know there was a vaccine for it, will check it out with the doctor next time I get it.

in reply toglochessum

Morning glochessum

It`s nice to hear from you too : )

Truly awful that it`s coming back so often, and so painful /inconvenient to say the least. I have spent a long time on my tummy as a pain.

How do you manage the day to day routine? Like me (others), I guess you just have to get on with things as best you can. I paint when I can and have all my drawing materials on the floor lol : )

Perhaps we should have a special group.....mmmmm......what would we call it? Tricky...I`m not used to using the feminine terms...Don`t know why, age perhaps.....There is a topic on every ailment for the human body on TV and no one blinks an eye.....Can you imagine..... ......`Well Dr.Beautiful/Handsome - here is where it started...and ...etc etc. I`ve marked it

Joking aside, it`s no joke, but every little does help : )

Best Wishes

Minimouse x

More info here folks -

Thank you : )

ellabella profile image

I get that as well at the top of my bum! sometimes on my lady parts too! I was examined years ago by my then GP and she just gave me some canesten cream, even though she said it was not thrush. I still use canesten cream to this day on the stupid virus. Had this problem for must be going on 30 years now! on and off of course

in reply toellabella

Hi ellabella,

You too? So sorry - It can`t be as uncommon as I had been told. Thirty or so years is a long time to be just using canestan cream though. Perhaps it`s the soothing effect it gives?

Did you have a look at the posting by Liberty? I couldn`t mention where I got my information from.

It sounds as though she/GP gave you the only advice she could at the time...but was of little help in the long term?.....oddly enough I had been thinking of something else a GP once said to me about Thrush/Candida. I`d never heard of it at the time. It kind of leaves you in an in between place you have no idea of what to do for your-self. It`s a real bind juggling family life around it too.

How have you managed?

What do you do as a distraction ?

ellabella profile image

Hi Minimouse, I haven't had it continuously for 30 years, just when I have been at a very low ebb indeed. I didn't even bother to go back with it to the GP as I hate going. They seem to look at me as if it's " oh god what now!" or that's my mind working overtime maybe. I actually thought I was getting it from sitting down for too long lol! then my mind made the connection with how low and weak I felt. I think I have just accepted it now as a minor irritation that comes and goes. I had forgotten about it until I read this conversation this morning. I don't honestly know how I have got through the last 30 years! The anxiety has me trapped now in my home and I live on my own now. Husband ran off with a younger woman, that nearly finished me off but I managed to bring 3 kids up and hold a job down . So no Minimouse, I don't know how I managed. I keep myself occupied as much as possible when pain allows. I do a job and sit down, and then do another. If not I play games , try to read if the brain fog lets me LOL! and watch " easy to understand the plot t.v. Haha I bet you wish you never asked now. Sorry I am rambling on but looking back now it feels like another persons life that I had : ( I know I'm not alone in that thought.xxxxx

in reply toellabella

Hello again ellabella,

Thank you for telling me of your experience.

Sorry I could not talk earlier. I have not seen u-tube bar a few times. I saw a clip of a young man called Jack Vidgen? 14 years old, in an Australian X Factor video - he sang an old Whitney Huston song - `Stay in my life?` wonderful...then saw more...Susan Boyle`s first show etc.. Really enjoyed them, but sat for too long.

Hope I didn`t sounded flippant about taking legs for a walk : ). It happens to a lot of people and I can understand as not getting out much my self. Also once had experience of loss of confidence due to illness. It was very hard to conquer....I remember it well.

Also understand the family life side of things...very hard. It`s a good thing we are so strong :) even when we feel we are not : )

Good to talk though, and to meet so many nice people who are just getting by..... same as myself : )

Best Wishes


Hi ellabella,

we have some funny names on here don`t we? lol

I have just been caught up watching u-tube things and got a bit carried so wont say much just now.

Dont get caught up in the anxiety/not going out trap.........if you live on your my mum says `You have to take your legs for a walk...they`ll really enjoy that : ) lol

Chat soon

Best Wishes

Minimouse x

ellabella profile image

Hello Mini mouse, believe you me....if I could take my legs for a walk I would in a heartbeat. I have severe scoliosis with acute stenosis. I haven't just fallen into the trap of anxiety/not going out. I've been in it for many years. I do live on my own and struggle with anxiety and depression to such an extent that I weep as I write this. Have a good day dear and don't get caught in the trap of letting your mouth run away with you xx

Hi ellabella,

Herpes Zoster Virus & Channelling Pain

Just to respond to your comment `mouth running away with you`. I will go straight to the point

as it felt confrontational.

Thank you for letting me know I made a mistake and I am sorry you have been weeping, me too.

I had made an apology (above). It was a sincere gesture. You say something such as " The anxiety has me trapped at home now" .

I had empathised with what I had read, and in relation to the topics mentioned, not the ones I had not known about. Unless I missed them earlier.

I have my own problems/disability including walking, and have been up many nights just as you have, and wept. I have rarely been out in over a year.

Life is hard enough and all too short. I can just as easily not post but hope that we can be friends.

All my good wishes


ellabella profile image

Hello Minimouse, I,m sorry for upsetting you. I have no excuse to do that . I am a bitter , bitter person at the moment...wasn't always so. I'll try and behave in future......promise I will <3 xx

fairycazzie profile image

hi there my 12 year old daughter had shingles few months ago and just got on with it so thats what the Dr did with her and she has had alsorts of symptoms alike mine ever since and evvery time she does an activity like with school she ends up laid up with neck and back pain. she had it around her bra line , she jumped about and paced up and down in tears a lot and we felt bad at first as did not see sign and though was growing pains!!

i had a rare form of Glandular fever at 18 EBV and now i have all this .

Each person recovers differntly .

my grandad had shingles around his eyes and it never seem to go away always on cream to numb it .

it can be very painful as it does hit your nervous sytem .

and can take a short time or last a very long time.

i so hope that it really eases and goes away for you ! i have not had shingles

as much as i got some pain ful little spots around my right eye and all i do now is scrat at my forehead but always doped up so i dont think it has been shingles .

i have compression on my nerves however which is in both sides of my body and getting up stairs is an effort and not always about pain either its strenth and get to top and i have to stand holding on at times .. so bless you

we all here have a chat anytime to help in any way possible x cazzie xxx

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