Evening all : ) Please can any one advise me.
I have developed shingles, all over my right side, tummy and round to the mid back up toward my neck. This is actually the worst pain i have ever experienced in my whole life. I had to go to A and E on Easter Monday, they were fantastic and prescribed Lidocaine patches, Gabapentin - I already take that any way and a course of anti viral medication that i finished yesterday.
My goodness what a drama.
The blisters have all dried up now but i have open sores in big areas. i am trying to keep everything clean and have tied a baggy t-shirt up around my top half to let the air get to the skin. But i can not stand to have anything touch the area where the blisters were or anywhere in my mid section. even my breasts hurt and my chest. It feels like indigestion but going across my body ,not up my throat as it were.
Im taking 1500mg Gabapentin atm and paracetamole also helps with the stinging skin. but i have having very hard muscle spasms all under the affected area and deeper into my tummy and even under my arms, inspite of the Gaba. Pinching stich pains that set off at the slightest touch.
Is there anyone out there who has had this and can advise with recovery.
- The normal skin on my tummy is so dry now, flaking off in small discs i have E45 - Gosh even touching my normal skin sets off shooting pains and cramps. Im also freezing cold down my right side and keep erupting in goose bumps down that side. My wiring has gone to pot it seems.
Any advice would truly be welcome xx
Many thanks
Zu x