Gosh! Just had our really lovely and pretty 13 year od Neice given to us for the indefinate future! The first few weeks were too stressfull to go into, as I was probably more worried than she was, but now settling out a bit. We have to clear a room for her in the house so she can have a bedroom, and as she has moved over 100 miles to be here, she is looking forward to term starting so she can make new friends.
One of her old friends is having a kick boxing match up here tomorrow and he is staying in the hotel just down from us, so I am hoping She'll get time to see him tomorrow before we have to leave town for the weekend.
So I would like some advice and tips on how to cope with FMS and a teenager, please! And also teenagers in General. She seems to be very understanding, when I am not feeling too good and hubby is good at explaining things to her, within his comprehension of the condition, so that is a bonus.
She is stunning looking, so we recon that may be a problem in some ways, but we will have to broach the subject of protection etc soon, and maybe someone out there has a tip or two for us. We are childless ourselves and I have only ever looked after younger children.