just logged on and wow it isnt just me is it ? the site has gone all posh and different ,well im very impressed ,well done the powers that be
whooaaaa ! isnt this posh lol - Fibromyalgia Acti...
whooaaaa ! isnt this posh lol

HU have made changes to the platform. Do let them know through the Feedback button if you discover any bugs. Please let me know as well if you do.
oh thank goodness thought i had also gone colour blind as well as my normalprobs lol petal

Yeah me too just come on and thoght i had done something wrong lol it looks graet i thought the other pages were good but now it has had a good old re vamp it brightens up the screen anything to chheer us all up and keep us on our toes i agree well done to who ever sorted all that lot out i could never do that lol it is fantastic and the green is really nice too i dont normally like green but it sets the pages up really well thankyou doesnt take alot to make me happy lol !!! love diddle xxx

diddle you do brighten my day xxxxx
its defo green lol
no there wasnt ,do you know i cant remember what it looked like before now either, now you say it ,oh god thats going to bug me lol