Does anyone suffer PulsaltileTinnitus - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Does anyone suffer PulsaltileTinnitus

Kasha profile image
9 Replies

I just thought I would ask if anyone with Fybro suffers from the above as I do. I would imagine it is totally unrelated to Fybro but thought it would be interesting to find out if anyone else with Fybro has this?

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Kasha profile image
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9 Replies

Hello Kasha, thanks for your question -

Here is a little info on Pulsatile Tinnitus just in case some members aren't familiar with it -

Tinnitus is of two forms – objective and subjective. Nearly 95% of people suffer from subjective type of Tinnitus. Pulsatile Tinnitus is a type of objective Tinnitus. It is characterised by a rhythmical noise in your ears that beats in time with your pulse. Others may also be able to hear the sound through the use of a stethoscope or other sophisticated audio equipment.

The most common symptoms experienced by a patient suffering from Pulsatile Tinnitus are:

- higher pitched, clicking sounds

- booming or something in a lower pitch

- the sound of blowing wind

Pulsatile Tinnitus is not a disease. It is the side effect or the after effect of the other malfunctions, syndromes, disorders or diseases in the body.

Kasha the last sentence of the above explanation might be your answer to how you started having Pulsatile Tinnitus, it seems possible for it to start through having another condition. As you have Fibro, this could be the reason. I haven't heard of anyone having this form of Tinnitus before as a result of having Fibro, but many people have other conditions as well. I have read a few medical articles on the internet and it says that having a neurological condition can cause Tinnitus. I think that probably explains it in a round about way. It's an awful thing to have. I hope you have had help with managing it Kasha.

Kasha profile image
Kasha in reply to

Hi thanks for the info, I am seeing a consultant and I'm having an MRI scan in a couple of weeks so maybe ill gt some answers then. I was just interested to see if anyone else does have this...its not very nice but there are a lot worse off than me :-) xx

Devonlady profile image

I found the answer given Libby D to be very helpful as I get normal tinitus and when I mentioned to the doctor I can hear the fluid in my body he told me that was impossible but I hear the fluid in my neck and my pulse sometimes in my ears so this clears it up for me. Thanks

Kasha profile image
Kasha in reply to Devonlady

Devonlady I have been fobbed off by my doctor for the last 12 to 18 months! It is only now that it has got so bad it is now constant noise and driving me mad that I have seen a different GP and hes refered me to a consultant who after examination has ordered an MRI scan. Pulsaltile Tinnitus is very different than "normal" tinnitus, normal tinnitus is usually buzzing, ringing high pitched noise where pulsaltile is as you describe, I hear my pulse whooshing in my ear, if I get stressed it gets louder. It sounds to me that you have pulsaltile and not normal? I dont want to frighten you but this kind of tinnitus should be investigated to rule out any sinister cause as there are quite a few treatable conditions that can cause this.

I would suggest you go back to your doctor and ask to be refered for investigation (he is out of order telling you it is impossible for you to hear your pulse/heartbeat, that is wrong information because it IS possible and many doctors can actually hear what you hear through a stethoscope)..good luck xxxxx

Perhaps referrals to an ENT Consultant will help you get the treatment you need. Hopefully the Consultant will understand that Pulsatile Tinnitus is caused by another condition, usually neurological. I wonder perhaps if a Neurologist may be able to advise and help too. Might be worth getting a referral too. Best of luck to you.

nanatre profile image

Yes I have this too! MIne changes and sometimes I get 2 different sounds at the same time. It sounds crazy but its true.

Devonlady profile image

Oh now all this info is very helpful. I had a MRI on my head as they were concerned I had some form of dementia and wanted to rule out MS as well. The nuro I saw also told me that I was imagining the things I was hearing. I asked to be refered back to the nuro a year ago and the apt got cancelled as they said " your have fibro and there is nothing more htat can be done for you, learn to adapt and manage it".

As for the ENT I was refered to them but was actualloy assessed by a virtigo phisio who gave me exercises in regard for the virtigo and then announced that I was cured, oh I wish that was true. It seems that I cannot be refered to the ENT withough this womans assessment and she believes she is perfectly able of cureing me without the need for me to see a hearing specalist, for this reason I went for private hearing test and that was where I was informed I hear too much.

It seems you cannot win. Thanks for all the advise ladies. x

SootyB profile image

I suffered from this in my right ear for nearly a year - alongside slight hearing loss of lower frequency sounds (like male voices) - and was fobbed off by locum GPs, so I booked in with my own GP, who sent me to the ENT. The ENT did tests, and diagnosed me with otosclerosis (fusion of the bones in the middle ear, which vibrate to transmit sound waves, and obviously can't if they're fused) - this can be bilateral, or unilateral like mine. I now have a hearing aid fitted, which has not only improved my hearing, but also eliminated the tinnitus whilst I am wearing it.

I do, however, remember reading on the FibroAction website patient/family info that tinnitus may be a symptom of Fibro, albeit one of the less common ones.

Sara x

bumblebee57 profile image

Well that explains a lot to me too.I get the high pitched clicking,that sounds like youve got an insect in your ear, the lower pitched booming that sounds like a heartbeat, ive tested it and it does go in time with my pulse, both mainly when Im laying down on one side,and the wind sound that feels like it goes whooshing through my head from ear to ear. Its the most weird feeling. That'll be the next thing for my doctor to investigate and me to add to the list of ailments. I have had Vertigo and still get little whizzy or whoozy feelings now and then. It goes on and on doesnt it......

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