anyone got it , i wake up in night and my jaw is clenched so tight x
clenching teeth: anyone got it , i wake... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
clenching teeth

Hello again. Yes, I do it all the time. I do it when Im awake too, whenever Im concentrating, or even just sat for a while not talking. I suddenly realise Im clenching my jaw so tight my teeth are grating and its beginning to hurt.
Horrible isnt it. xx
I do this too, just the same as the previous comment,I also seen to wear my shoulders as earrings a lot these days!
I do it and have worn and cracked my teeth, so I have to ware a mouth hard on my teeth at night to stop me doing it. I'm on mt second one becauce I had warn it though xx
hi i have also had this jaw/teeth clencing for years, i now have tempromandibular joint disfuction with dysplasia of the cartlige that hold my jaw in place, ive developed a 4inch thickness of the partoid gland too. im due to have an mri to see if i need surgery, but boy is this an annoying condition, there are days where i wake up and cannot open my mouth even to take a drink. my advice would be to get it checked out asap before you end up like me. xxx
i have this too, my doctor say's it anxiety but i don't think so. I think your ligaments tighten up when your mouths shut and you don't realise till it hurts.
What does everyone else think it is?
Hi all ive been clenching my teeth 2gether 4 yrs Ididnt realise it was anything 2 di with the fibro. Does any 1 no all the things that will/or cud happen because of the fibro? Gentle hugs 2 every 1 x loobie x
I haw worn away and broken teeth doing this, it's horrible xxx
Yes, I also have a mouth guard, and have TMJ, wake up clenching teeth and hands in a fist, mainly when i'm having a bad flare up. I also bight the inside of my cheeks in my sleep, which causes blood blisters and ridges to form. TMJ is quite common with fibro, it comes and goes. Hope this is just a blip for you, and you get it sorted. X
Hi i also clench my teeth so dose anyone know why we do it or is it just that we just do it lol sorry its just that we all put on what we suffer with but no one knows why we do it xx
yes this aslo some thing i started to do last year!and i have a mouth guard ,my dentist said it was stress !!and i also wake up with a very sore jaw..not all the time it comes and goes !xx
hi rosehip i was having a lot of pain in my jaw and dentist said it could be caused by me grinding my teeth in my sleep as this was quite common with fibro suferers .x