Hi, would like to hear from anyone else who experiences tension (all over the body especially face) even when there is no reason to feel tense i.e. relaxing watching tv or in bed. Because of this tension my teeth are crumbling four teeth have broken this year so far.
Tension and teeth problems: Hi, would... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Tension and teeth problems
I have been looking around trying to find some info on this and what I have found so far isn't medically proven but it makes sense to me - with our meds, our mouths can become over dry, this isn't a healthy environment for teeth and can cause teeth to crumble and break?! True or not, I am not sure but it makes sense to me. Also I have read that because our teeth have nerves and are located in our gums, this also makes us susceptible to weakened teeth?! Again, might just be a theory but it kind of makes sense doesn't it.
I will look more into this and see if there's any info that is actually medically proven for crumbling teeth to have a connection with Fibroymalgia.
From personal experience, since being diagnosed with Fibro, I have had four crumbling teeth and had to have four crowns. I never had any problems with my teeth before, so this is certainly making me thing. Thanks for posting Karen! (((hug))) xxx
I have had to have 3 of my wisdom teeth removed in the last year due to them literally just crumbling in my mouth!
Could be a very good find of information libertyZ
One of the problems I have had over the years is as you say, tension. I find this makes my jaws clamp shut and can cause teeth grinding. But I do not have problems with teeth crumbling at all as yet, and I hope I never do. I am not on any of the pain meds I have seen on here as I cannot safely take them, so this could why I have no crumbling teeth xxxxx
Tension is a vicious circle. In normal life when we hurt ourselves, the pain we feel helps our muscles to tense to avoid further injury. In fibro, I suspect this response has become distorted. We struggle to move because it hurts, our muscles tense to protect which means movement hurts even more, so we tense up more and so it goes on. All we can try is mentally checking ourselves throughout the day and taking time and conscious effort to physically relax (set a timer if necessary). Unfortunately some medications which help us through the day masks the pain so we are less conscious of the tension, but the muscles are still working overtime - no wonder they complain
I have lost 6 teeth in 2 and 1/2 years. Got toothache and it was agony got the tooth out. few months later toothache again and another tooth out. This year I had 4 out at front because they are all loose. I have to wear a palate now and I look awful without it. Coincidence?? I dont know
Thank you everyone for your replies just another problem thanks to fibro take care everyone x
I had a tooth out over two years ago due to an abscess,.... bottom one about 4 from the front. The gum took ages to heal, gaping hole for months, & it still hurts! I also have a lump on my cheek/gum right at the back of my mouth which I keep biting, so the swelling never goes down. I'd rather suffer all this than go back to the very unhelpful dentist!
Hi karencw
I have the same problem - lost 2 teeth last year & numerous fillings, ( keep falling out ), removal of all my wisdom's at the dental hospital, couple root canals despite flossing and careful care of my teeth.
I also bite the inside of my mouth so much it bleeds where I have clenched.
Have broken one and lost 2 fillings recently so looking for a new dentist as I have just moved.
I complained for ages about problems with my teeth and just happened to mention to my dentist my fibro & m.e were getting worst and she asked some questions about what was going on - was diagnosed with stress related bruxism and Temporomandibular joint disorder (tmj).
After speaking with my doctor, he informed me that it does come along with the fibro & me or chronic fatigue.
Have exercises to do but don't seem to help.
I have a gum shield which I wear at night (usually spit it out when eventually falling asleep lol ) and use an ice pack when the pain is raging - would rather give birth to a melon that put up with that.!!!. Found that cold is better than heat (tried wheat bags, gels u name it lol ).
My whole side of face feels swollen and I have to leave the naproxen,co dydromol & voltrol alone while I take ibuprofen until the flare up calms down so then am suffering with the fibro pain all over my body-also have facet arthritis in spine so could really do with taking the painkillers at all times but cannot take them all at the same time.
Once it was so bad I went the walk in service and had a muscle relaxant from the emerg dentist.
I keep ice cubes ready and 2 ice packs always in the freezer for when it kicks off.
I used to have lovely teeth but now I am ashamed to smile (not often lol) I dread having all the rest out but I am considering getting whats left removed for a denture but my doctor thinks I should wait to do that as I am in my early forties but I cant stand the pain I end up bubbling like a baby - thought I was the only one who suffered with this but my mind is in a better place now knowing there are others with the same.
chin up (pardon the pun ) you are not alone !!! lol
I get terrible pain in my face and especially my jaws. Ive been to the dentist several times in agony, only to be told my teeth are ok. the fibro is bad enough,but that on top really gets me down.
Thanks again for your replies I am going to speak to my doc about it as I to wear a mouth guard at night and normally find it in the bed in the morning or on the floor, it's never still in my mouth. Take care guys x
Hi guys
Have a question for you. I myself have been diagnosed with tmj and have problems with my teeth and gums, but when they go to put injection in to numb area a lot of anisethic goes down my throat instead of in my gum. Was wondering if this had something to do with fibro or tmj?
If only we knew what is caused by fibro and what is not I just don't know any more there is rymn or reason any more x