any one got Endometriosis and or POP - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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any one got Endometriosis and or POP

HeatherSwiegers profile image
5 Replies

Endometriosis, ulcers, migraines, Pelvic organ Prolapse, Fibro, insomnia, constipation, muscle spasms, prone to fractures(currently waiting on a bone density scan, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, runs in my family)... the list goes on

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HeatherSwiegers profile image
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5 Replies
fairytails profile image

i had endometriosis years ago when i was 39 i had to have a hysterectomy because of it . really painfull . poor you xxx

Annabell profile image

Hi you are certainly going through the mill. My daughter has the dreaded Endeo so I saw in first hand. She has gone onto a contraception injection called Depo. It has worked and she only has a slight period just before it needs renewal but most people dont have any. But with your problems who knows you can only put your trust in your Doctor. Hope you have a good understanding one.

Good luck and I hope you get some sort of relief.

Bye for now Ax

lyn-elliott profile image

i had endro also its awful i didnt want anymore children so i was lucky an had an hystorectomy i was 36 at the time but it is awfull and i feel for you hun luv and gentle hugs xxx

chambers profile image

Hi also had endometriouses and i had a hystorectomy too i was 33 when i had mine i am now 47 and have had fibro for nealy 3 years now i hate it its took my life away i feel like a driffent person now xxxx

HeatherSwiegers profile image

Good evening

Sorry to say but good to hear that I am not alone with both,

I am at the stage now, that I just want it all out. When i was 15 I was asking for it all to be removed

please offer any advice.. I hope that I have not been too forward.

Can anyone give advice Pelvic Organ prolapse, endometriosis and fibromyalgia?

I have had many laparoscopy surgeries; I have also been on the depo injection for 13 years.

I tried for 4 year to fall pregnant. I moved to the UK and saw a great gynaecologist put me on clomed, blood test and husband had to give a sample. He had 9 swimming that was 3 more than in South Africa. We were all set to check my uterus and tubes. (Previously I had been told me tubes were blocked), then we were set for IVF.

I fell pregnant. That was 5 years ago.3 years ago i had advised that i wanted to have another baby. Came off Depo and my period only stated this year until end Jan this year.

My doctor spoke to a gynaecologist and got advice to put me on Clomed. She was very concerned about the pain I was having. She split her knee cap and I did not see her until May.

I have had such back pain and bloating that some days i get to work and just can't function, come home and straight to bed.

I cannot get any higher pain killers as I am already on tramadol. The amitriptyline cancels most of the tramadol out. Co-codeine sometimes helps.

I had phoned up the NHS help line in April very concerned. I had got out the shower and felt burning in side my vagina. When I sat on the toilet and felt in side, I was touching what felt like a penis coming towards my opening.

I spoke to the NHS direct, they told me to take a paracetamol and they would call me back. I phoned up again two hours later; I explained that I am already on tramadol. They assured me that someone would phone.

Monday morning I phoned my GP and asked to see the duty doctor. The doctor examined me and asked how many children I have given birth to naturally; I said one by C section. She said that he uterus was very low. She also said that there were very thin walls in places and other places had additional tissue. She said that if it popped out to lie on my back with my feet in the air and push it back, if I did not feel right about that, then I was to call the surgery and they would push it pack.

I explained that I always had pain when having sex and the swelling afterwards was very painful. She said because I was on clomed that I should use a turkey baster if I could not have sex.

She also said that there is a test they can do to see how far my uterus comes out. I lies on my side they grab hold of my uterus and see how far out they can pull it.

I was horrified.

My husband went with to see this GP who agreed to refer me to a gynaecologist.

So now I wait.

I have tried to explain to the doctors the pain i am in, almost every day, never mind how much I have during sex. I have a uterus that is full of bubbles (scar tissue), I wet myself some times and other times I have to push the urine out. (I do not want to list all my issues here so this is the short version)I have sat and cried in the GP's office. My Fibromyalgia is just another world of pain.

My other GP is now back and says that she attended a conference that said that most woman have a low uterus. I asked is this when they have had a vaginal birth. She says yes. Only one problem I had a C- section

The pain clinic wants me to focus on doing less and taking less meds…..

I am also told to be positive…

I work 5 to 6 days a week in a very stressful job, 40 to 50 hours a week and still function at home. I asked then I am positive to be able to be a mom, wife and manager but sometimes positive is not enough.

I am not quite sure what to do any more...

I have anapointment end of July with a consultant that has an interest in Endometriosis.. I am hoping to get some sort of action plan.

We have been hoping for another child but this is getting too much for me. I am in pain most of the time with all the diffarent problems.

I am glad that I have finally found some support and others to talk to.

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