I have had M.E 15yr and Fib 3yr and recently started with new symptoms. My eyes are becoming blurry and started stingy me and the pain that I have is becoming worse. I also have these little lumy things under my skin mainly on my arm. Does anyone else suffer these or is it a different illness. Please help me.
Any one haveblurred vision and stingy... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Any one haveblurred vision and stingy eyes

hi hun yep my eyes r bleary n sore most of the time ive had my eyes tested recently n they r fine so i know its a symptom of FM im not sure about the lumps ,google it to c if its conected to FM soft hugs Tofty xxx
Hi Tarnail I have both conditions, and I suffer blurred vision and stingy eyes too
Soft Hugs x x x
Hi, I get stinging eyes too and then I can't see properly. I wear contacts usually, but it happens when I wear them and my glasses. My optician did a test with my tears. He found that they are not 'oily' enough - and don't stay on my eyes long enough so your eye's get dry - supposed to stay for 20 secs and mine were less than 1 second. I think it is hormone related to as my friend also has tears that only stay for 5 secs and I don't think she has fms. The only solution is to use moisturising eye drops which is like adding tears - you can get them from Boots or an optician. It does help. Hope that is useful. Best wishes S*{}*
Hi tarneall,
have you ever been tested for Sjogrens ? I only ask because one of the symptoms of this is dry eyes .
hi all,
I too suffer with my eyes. When I was 18 I went blind for a month and the doctor told me it was Migraines behind the eyes. I didn't even know you could get that. Lately now though it has become worse, my eyes go blurry quite a lot, sometimes I blink a few times and it seems to help, but it doesn't all the times. I realise this is to do with Fibro, I'm finding out new things all the time. Big gentle hugs to everyone, much love xxx
If you get really dry eyes, make sure you get tested for Sjogrens Syndrome.
Just because another cause hasn't been found for something, it does not mean that it is necessarily down to the Fibro.
Hi tarnall,
I have been suffering with sore dry blurry eyes for a while now, i saw the doctor on friday and i told him, he gave me 10ml Hypromellose 0.5% eye drops, which i have to put 1 or 2 drops in my eyes 3 times a day, still to early to say if its helping yet ........
gentle hugs jackie xxx
hi im new to this site but i suffer with my eyes blurred vision dry eye and i have also got graves eye desease which is conected to fibro
Have suffered from dry eyes for the past 29 years. Been told by gp & optican that I have low tear count. Use Hypromellose eye drops every day & find they help.
Yep, I too suffer from 'Dry eye syndrom' Have done for last 15 years or so, which optician originally thought connected to a Rhumatic condition. Have to put eye drops in every day.3/4 times! I too wear contact lenses and have to say slightly better when I wear them than when I wear my glasses.How ever when every thing really bad so are the eyes!! Then I have to wear my glasses and then I end up with black eyes as my glasses trigger a point over my nose that seems to cause this! Bizzarrrrrr. Best wishes Sue.
I have exactly the same .it as been 2 and a half I have had it I go from optitions to doctors then a&e just got drops .my vision is blurry and I dont like strong lights