Hi thanks for the replies re loss of feeling - I have so much understanding for all of you kind people who came back to me. I know where some of you are coming from - had FM/CFS for ove 20 years now & docs are impressed I'm stillwalking around - don't they realise yet that as a female we ARE the stronger sex??!!! Yes, I've fallen soooo many times that I reckon they should rename me Weeble..... yep, have been checked out as well - had DVT in right leg, 2 prolapsed discs and have bben told that lumbar discs are 'degenerating' and that because of my age (52!!!!!), it's not worth doing anything taking into account I have FM and don't work anmore (only because 'they' won't let me) - between the lines - if I had money to go private, it would be a differenct matter. Then, yes - you get the attitude that because you smil, laugh and look healthy, then how could there anything wrong with you?*****@@@@!!!!! I'm still fighting after all this timeand yes, I do use a chair sometimes and yes, have many sticks and also cruthes and a walker in the boot of my car as well as having touse an automatic now, but KEEP FIGHING all you lovely people - we know how we feel and if some of those insensitives who only bring choc and flowers when they can see we're 'not well' had a portion of our daily lives - well, where would we be?
Bythe way - Diddle I tink it is - as regards the broken feet feeling/pain - yes, I kniow what you mean. On waking and standing every time, I almost fall ove as i is excruciating and you are grabbing anything to bear the pain of weight on those tootsies. I've dicovered not only crocs, but now TrimSoles as well as Avon footwear. They are brill - so comfortable to wear, the pain is almost non-existant to stand and walk - please try to get a pair - you'll be amazed - I now have 3 prs of Avon slippers, loads of crocs in many styles and now 2 pars of trimsole flipflops (like boats but who cares) and now invested ina pair of boots that aregreat and furry lined so brill for my dead and cold leg. Do give these a go if you have that awful pain that you can't desribe that goes from the sols/heels thr to the ankles and all over - they are the best footwear around to cushion you - like extra suspension to give a better ride.
Anyway, off to finish my cuppa and then try to make husband realise that when the doc said no dishes and cooking due to my wrist, tehn thsi time, I really am not doing them!!!!
Love to all of you, roll on the better weather and go away thunder - plays havoc!!! Tess xxxx