Fibromyalgia Action UK

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6 Replies

I am now off to sit on sofa wih my little doggy he is laying there waiting for me to sit with him bless i am now gonna put my nack on my massage and heat pad it is so nice and soothing . so i will be back tomorrow and i promise i will try to be back to normal or you all jus having one of those days and my mask has slipped good job it not my halo lol but will try to be on form a bit more tommorrow love to you all and enjoy your evening love Diddle x

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6 Replies
chilli50 profile image

Hi diddle. im quite new here and have been reading around a lot. one thing i have noticed is that you have such a big heart its no wonder you ache carrying it around! you sound like a very special person and im sure people will agree that you put a smile on anyones face all the time. you sound such a genuine caring person! i hope you feel better tomorrow. you deserve to sit on the sofa and have a chill so wont keep you a moment longer. have a peaceful and relaxing night (as much as it can be) take care of yourself. you have a wonderful soul and it should be cherished.

(((((((very gentle long hug))))))) and lots of love and healing thoughts to you

love chilli

hi i was then turning my laptop off and saw your reply you have made me cry thankyou so much for that lovely compliment that is so very kind of you to say that i hope that i do make people happy not very much today i have let you all down i am afraid but even diddle has her off days but i soon bounce back bit of carrot cake lol and come on here with few my fibro friends and i aint down for long but serously i am so chocked that you said thse lovely things about me and purely through reading my blogs that is so kind and has made my day it really has i am so glad i clicked on that before i turned it off you take care and hopeully we can chat again soon all my love and soft hugs back diddle x

thankyou have missed you today but hoprefully catch up tommorrow that is if my head doesnt grow too much with all these compliments i will have to change my name to diddle the big balloon head lol love to you now going to sit and relax my partner now text he is o n his way so better get the kettle on and i am on the hard stuff tonight blackcurrant juice love to you diddle x

Where's that like button when you need it ?

I fully agree diddle, when I'm feeling down I come on here to read your posts specifically . Though you're so unwell yourself , you always have something cheerful to say and you always manage to make me smile.

You're such a caring lady .


chilli50 profile image

hi again diddle. im so glad that i could make you feel ppreciated and loved. youo deserve it!! ill definitely be chatting to you agsain ( sorry about the spelling, i couldnt see thru my own tears lol) sweet, peaceful and restful dreams :-D

love chilli xxx

Ang01 profile image

Oh Diddle your halo will never slip, its only fallen angels that happens to. Hope you have a good night and feel better tomorrow, will be good to see the old Diddle back xx

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