DLA tribunal a waste of time - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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DLA tribunal a waste of time

Claregilchrist profile image
32 Replies

Had my DLA appeal tribunal today - wasn't allowed to speak and they ignored letters from OT and rheumatologist. Insisted I be seen by ATOS doctor instead of DLA doctor as he did really good medical and my useless GP says there is nothing wrong with me and I have had my money's worth out of the NHS and the government. Didn't bother to sign for yet another medical - what's the point to go through all this again in 6 months time as even if I do get somewhere it will only be for a year then will be reviewed again at 6 months to start the begging process again. Enough is enough.

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Claregilchrist profile image
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32 Replies

same here my dla tribunal was appauling they didnt even read my reports from anyonre just told me I didnt look ill or as if I was in pain

shaz66 profile image
shaz66 in reply to

i applied for dla twice the first time iwas turned down and went to a tribunal i was treated like a criminal on trial for some terrible crime iwasnt given dla then i applied for it again i was turned down asked them to look at it again but i was still turned down i just couldnt face a tribunal again because it was so bad the first time ther are days i cant even get out of bed only for my wonderful partner and my great son and daughter id be lost the tribunal people should walk a day in fibro suffers lifes then the would know how it feels they are horrible people you would think it was coming out of their pockets they should stop giving dla to alcoholics and drug abusers to feed their habits and give it to people who really need the money and would put it to better use they say that alcohoilcs and drug abusers are a danger to themselves god and we are not the system is completely fxxx up sorry for the rant had to get it of my chest

Bacaloca profile image

I am so sorry to hear the outcome of your tribunal, I guess you must be pretty pee'd off at the moment I know I would be!

I hear so many horror stories about these things.

I haven't got as far as tribunal yet I am at the "re-assesing " my claim" after I wrote saying I wanted a full written explanation about why I had been refused my re-newal claim.

dinkydo profile image

It makes me so mad to hear about people being treated so unfairly at a time when they need all the help they can get. Bunch of ignorant •••••• (can't put on here the words I could call them).

squidley profile image

I agee with Clare take time to calm down and then appeal again don't let them win. They try to wear you down but don't let them. I hope you will listen to the advice given on here, I will be thinking of you. xo

Claregilchrist profile image

Thank you all for your comments. So tired and in tremendous pain which doesn't help. i really don't have the fight left in me at the moment. I have emailed our Scottish MP for parliament in London and told him what I think, and also Alex Salmond. I very much doubt any one will even bother to respond though - definitely not the actual people I have emailed.

shopaholic profile image

awwww just so sorry 2 hear this...im waitin 4 my appeal..i dont hold much hope....ive never claimed a thing in my life before...we deserve more living with this horrible illness...good luck xxxxxx

angela2284 profile image

This is just wrong, this should NOT! be happening to peeps with a genuine disabling, unpredictable illness.

We should all be doing something to sort this out surely we do not have to sit back and do nothing where is our fighting spirit?

message me if you would like to be doing something.

sharon777 profile image
sharon777 in reply to angela2284

i would like to do something thats for sure, its a horrible illness to live with and people just dont understand it apart from us who suffer it, its all the comments ie well you look well, you dont look like your in pain, oh its just getting older thats doing it, grrrrrrr NO ITS NOT its a real illness please people understand this from us. with the severe fibrofog i get told by my own mother all the time what are you stupid or did you understand. hate it its ruined our lives. also you can see the look on peoples faces as if to say i am stupid, i used to be so happy and outgoing and now i am quite and withdrawn... (((hugs for everyone))) xx

diane63 profile image

hello everyone.. please please dont give up.... we need to fight this... i won mine last year( though just got the dreaded forms to fill in again) it took me 3 years... the last time they got one of there docs out to my house.. and he could see my aids i use everyday.. i walk with a crutch or use my wheelchair.. but whats really annoying about all this is......WE dont look ill.... we have not got a disease that shows.. its inside... all those sore muscles, nerve endings ect.. people say to me.. ur looking well.. my god if i was really feeling well i would have my hair done.. make up on ect.. but i dont even get to shave my bloody legs all the time.... maybe we should go in and show them my legs lol.. anyway we have to keep this going... we need to win this war... thank u xx

Whiterabbit profile image

I had to goto a tribunal a few yrs ago but had a great welfare rights officer we went in and said his bit and then for around an hour question after question was fired at me from dr and person who has same condition as me , I felt that no matter what I lost the appeal but nope got high rate care and mobility for indef period ( until we change to pip) all I can say is don't give up hope and goto welfare rights there far better than cab .

Claregilchrist profile image

I did have the local welfare rights lady who filled in the forms and wrote a letter for me and forwarded the OT report and copy of the rhematologists report and diagnosis. They didn't want to read any of that and said so. I wasn't allowed to respond and was told I could not respond to them at all hen I tried to speak. I wasn't given a chance sadly. My husband says I should file a complaint about being unfairly treated at the tribunal but in all honesty that's still not going to alter what happened is it. Thank you so much for responding.CAB sent me to the welfare officer instead of them helping as she knew more about how to deal with it all.

so sorry to hear that i cannot believe how manty people on here who have a GP who is not helping them or backing them i am sorry but i would def change my GP well i did actually and my HGP is fantastic i told her iwas thinking of applying for DLA and she said you should andcall DIAL to help you fill in forms so i am so lucky . love to you but i would not give up you fight for what is right please dont let them win love to you diddle x

sharon777 profile image
sharon777 in reply to

my doc brill to he is learning as well and supports me all the way x its having the energy to fight it .as i feel like giving up to, kind regards s.lawson x

Claregilchrist profile image

Thanks. xx Can't change my GP as we live in North East scotland and no other GP's close enough.xx

Ebony profile image

I am shocked to hear of all the problems people have with claiming DLA, I claimed for the first time in 2003 and had a medical at home and was awarded it and since then I have had to re-apply 3 times and have got it again each time and this last time was awarded it indefiantely. Is it just recently they are making it harder to claim it, which doesn't seem very fair.

Please remember when claiming it is all about how your illness affects your getting around and personal care, nothing to do with working,or not being able do the housework or even how ill you feel

Good Luck to anyone claiming

Claregilchrist profile image

Sadly doesn't make any difference how it affects you - my Gp told them and me hygiene needs were a luxury and not a necessity. How can you fight that !! There comes a point when you have to accept you are beaten. Just sent away the man who came from the Scottish Government Grants for gas central heating for myself and my son who is 11 and ill since birth - not a hope in hell of affording to pay for the gas bill each month so have to stay cold instead. That yesterday has a huge impact on everything else as well. No stairlift through the OT either as we won't have any money to pay for our percentage there . Life is shit that's for sure.

MissKittycat profile image

Please don't give up - you can go to what is called a second tier tribunal, where it will actually go to court, and you will have more chance of fighting it - if you want more info let me know and I will gladly see what I can do to help x

If you can tell me where you are in a private message I will research some things for you - you are not alone trust me. I have been going through the same thing for a year but refuse to give in to them....

Sending you many gentle hugs xxx

MissKittycat profile image
MissKittycat in reply to MissKittycat

Just found something online called 'error in law' as you weren't allowed to speak, I think you might have a very good case against them and would contact the CAB to put you in touch with a lawyer.

Also, I would actually write a letter to your MP - I have done that twice and had a response, though emails don't tend to get a reply. Again, let me know if I can help further. xx


Have a look at the link x

mac123 profile image
mac123 in reply to MissKittycat

Hi my daughter has had 4 open heart surgey and now has a leaky heart valve she was receiving the high rate mobility and care when renewed they said no to any Whent to tribunal and made to feel horrible and now just getting middle rate care she struggles just to walk to school

my last gp never supported me, she knew how ill I was, she knew my illness had caused my hubbies breakdown, all she wrote on her report was that I had no problems, even though Im doubly incontinant used a walking stick have a social service assessment awaiting a carer, being given a blue badge had evidence from orthopedics , phycologists, reablement, I still was made to feel like a criminal, Ive sinse changed gps and now every time I have a problem I go and see them ,hense change of meds , wheelchair provided within a few days, referral to continance clinic, referal to ortho surgeon as my left hand is completly useless

LindseyMid profile image

I would get legal advice, either through the CAB or a Law Centre. There is some info here: fibroaction.org/Pages/Benef...

KLR22 profile image

I lost my SDA benefit two years ago at a Tribunal where the doctor there told me I looked "tanned and toned". He had no interest in what I had to say or my medical report and had evidently made up his mind before the Tribunal began. I tried to go further with it but it was refused so I lost it and am now just on DLA. In the past I've heard that if you lose DLA it's best to just re-apply in three months' time - the outcome can be as different again.


Claregilchrist profile image

Thanks karen. Since been told that Monday morning 10am if the worst possible time to start off the tribunals - especially with the judge concerned that I had as apparently she is really stressed getting her kids organised etc !!! Her problem not mine but sadly was def my problem.

Plumcake profile image

I had a tribunal appeal last year/ had to go alone, and it nearly killed me.

It was a total waste of my energy and time.

They messed around and lied, put words in my mouth, twisted my words on the report.

I've applied and been rejected for DLA again this year. Won't bother to appeal, just have to move home and area to somewhere cheaper in order to manage to live off a miserable income.

julieann39 profile image

So sorry to hear that,i went through hell a few weeks back and they made me show them my stoma and refused me dla also,complete waste of time,i am so fed up with trying,i have had major flare up with all the stress of dla,now i'm being sick alot,IBS flare up,headaches,crying for no reason and all thanks to useless independent people who have no idea how we suffer and how much of our independency is taken away. Hope you have better luck soon hun,hugs to you and keep smiling hun as hard as it seems. xxjules

Vi-twink profile image

Hi i am still waiting to hear about my tribunal. I have had DLA and mobility for 11 years, then in Feb this year they took it away from me. I appealed on the phone and got no where, then i got my MP involved, so am just waiting for the brown envelope to drop through the letterbox. Will let you know the outcome.X

nikkicain33 profile image

ive bin thro a tribunral 3 times for fibro i didnt give up an won so dont give up it made me so ill but it was worth it in the end not for the money but because i finaly got it thro there thick heads that it is real real real .dont stop everyone ive also bin awardid a bus pass keep fighting xx

Fibromum profile image

Aw please don't give up, i know it's disheartening but fight all the way luv. You can do it! Take legal action about not being allowed to talk, you deserve to be treat like human and not the dirty they was inferring you with.. Good luck luv xXx

Lucyw profile image

Well everyone I had a tribunal 2 weeks ago and it was adjourned because they lost my files and then said they want me to have a ATOS medical, said its for my own good and that everything will be sorted quicker that way. I'm so nervous. I suffer from indetermite colitis and Crohn's disease, ibs, depression, under active thyroid and FMS, arthritis of my right hand and still manage to work 3 days a week.

I'm so nervous of the medical which is coming up very soon.....help

Claregilchrist profile image
Claregilchrist in reply to Lucyw

Hi Lucy,

They did that to me as well, but I had an independent medical rather than ATOS turn up - he was lovely and really kind and did a thorough medical . He noticed lots of things about me and result was my DLA being reinstated 2 weeks later so hold in there. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

anne2e0 profile image

I had my appeal today and I WON only got low rate care and mobitty from 1(10/2012

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