I had my DLA tribunal on Thursday,my partner came with me for support which was great,the three members on the panel were very welcoming which made me feel at ease as I had been working myself up a bit about the whole thing!
I had put in for my claim last July which at that time I wasn't as bad as I am now,so throughout the whole proceding I had to refer back to then which at times was quite difficult but I apologised on several occasions and they just kept saying its fine just take your time,I was in there for an hour which had overrun by half hour,so many questions!
Well the good news for me is I won my appeal!!
Sadly I didn't get the mobility because back then I wasn't so bad but I did mention several times how things were now mobility wise which they could see but couldn't take into account,anyway I am awarded the Lower rate of care back dated to last July until 11th July 2014,I presume I have to re-apply again which hopefully they will take my mobility into consideration.
I know its not a lot but its been a long road and after I had had my ATOS medical was going to give up.
I used to read on here people saying dont give up but its true,I needed to go through with this not just for me for but for all the genuine people out there needing help,we mustn't let them win!
I thought you all might like to know how I got on,my advice to anyone is..I know how your feeling and what your going through but you must follow this through.