Hi all, just curious of people experiences with back or hip pain or both. Ive been experiencing really bad back/hip pain for months currently having physio which isn't helping unfortunately. I've had lumbar x ray but all ok, trying to request an mri as an xray doesn't show up certain conditions. Going out my mind wondering is it fibro or something else (got diagnosed with fibro 10 years ago) my jobs physical & everyday is one big battle coming home in agony & feeling exhausted 😴
Back/hip pain : Hi all, just curious of... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Back/hip pain

Sound grim! Is it both sides?
As well as the lower back pain I'm getting a lot of pain on the right side/hip area x
I think there are various things it could be, but don’t panic. What do you do? Do you have a doc who is trying to get to the bottom of it and not just blaming it on Fibro? You’re right in that x-ray is a bit of a blunt tool and with your complex history an MRI might be better.
I'm certain theres something not right, apparently the g.p can't refer me for an mri I have to go through my physio I have my next appointment Thursday so fingers crossed she agrees. I run my own Cleaning business but hanging on by a thread at the moment & dread everyday due to the pain. Sorry to moan I shouldn't say things like that with everything going on in the world I'm lucky to be here. X
Please don’t apologise because you feel awful in a situation that would bring most people to their knees. Never heard of a GP not being able to refer for an MRI but the physio can. Perhaps they meant the physio sessions had to run their course to justify the MRI. Make sure you tell the physio how you feel. No stiff upper lip now!
So you suffer with back/hip problems? X

My fibro started with lower back pain (got a couple of prolapsed discs after childbirth)
More recently I've had increased hip pain - where as before it would come and go, and this was a different pain to my usual. Physio thinks it's too do with tendons caused by menopausal hormone changes. Starting with physio exercises to start with, but to make another appointment in a few weeks time if I don't feel the exercises are helping.
Wow, I could of written that! I’m suffering just the same. Right hip and it travels down the front of my leg. Got physio next week and X-ray booked. Like you it’s been coming on gradually but now is pretty constant. Even keeps me awake at night.
Nightmare isn't it, I often wake up early hours turning over from one side of the other fine going to sleep just never have a good solid sleep. Good luck with your xray X
That’s how my fibro in hips and back started-on/off gradually, but eventually became permanent with some days and even weeks of reprieve. I found physical therapy to be ineffective. Sometimes it felt better after the stretches and massage, and other times worse. My physical therapist suggested a CAT Scan. It revealed a stenosis in my lower back and osteoarthritis in my hips, but nothing out of the ordinary for my age. The pain I have doesn’t correlate.
My trigger points are the top of pelvis bone, then horizontal from that, between my spine and pelvis bone - a muscle, and then down into the hip; between hip and thigh. Also find the waist tendon: especially just under the lowest rib) to also effect my pelvis/lower back pain. Putting pressure there releases pain elsewhere.
I am the same, I had an accident a couple of years ago and I damaged my femoral nerve.I was alright last winter, but this winter has been awful.I have also had the nightmare diagnosis if MND last October. It is so frightening knowing where the pain is coming from x
I share your pain. The constant pain with fibromyalgia is exhausting. Medication only takes the edge off for me. Night time is awful because when the pain starts in one side it’s painful to turn over and for me it doesn’t take long before the other side starts to hurt. I have found laying on my back is easier. The other problems are walking with hip and leg pain. My walking is inhibited by pain . I was referred for an MRI in early 21 and I’m still waiting. I’m finding I have chronic fatigue maybe due to lack of sleep?Keep pushing for your MRI and rheumatologist appointment if you haven’t already.
Good luck ❤️

Im exactly the same have to constantly turover from one side to the other. Fine going to sleep its early hours I seem to wake up. That must be frustrating that your still waiting for mri & rheumatology appointment hope you don't have to wait to much longer x
I’ve suffered with fibromyalgia since my late 20s. I’m 62 now. I had the misfortune of breaking my neck of femur 4 years ago, they had to do a total hip repays they couldn’t pin it. I’ve had constant hip pain since. Then I’m February last year I tripped down a couple of stairs and landed on my leg which was bent under me, I caused a very bad fracture on the same leg, my femur just above the knee. That was a complicated fracture, they had to pin it with a metal frame inside. My leg has been horrendously painful since. The orthopaedic surgeon said he can remove the metalwork now as bone has healed. (I’m limited with how much I can bend my leg at the moment and it’s causing pain), plus he said I need a knee replacement which he could do as separate operation after I’ve healed from removing the frame! I’ve also just been diagnosed with osteoporosis as well as osteoarthritis. Some days the pain is unbearable! I don’t sleep well either. So I really feel for everyone else on here with similar problems.It’s helpful sometimes other people can enlighten us as to their treatments.

My experience too! I’ve learned that natural cortisone levels are at their lowest at night. That’s why we are in more pain at night than day, which is awful, since we need to sleep to help reduce fatigue, which then reduces pain. It’s a horrible cycle!
I have Plantar Fasciitis and due to the heel and foot pain, its now effecting my lower back and hips which are over compensating for the way I feel myself walking when the foot pain is at it's worst. Do you by any chance suffered with foot pain? I was told the plantar fasciitis should be gone by now as I have physio for it but was also told it may take longer as the fibro can make the muscles unforgiving...Just means it may take my feet a little longer to recover. I also see a chiropractor who "clicks" my back and hips back into alignment and gently works on all the muscles. It's all connected. Hope that helps..
I have chronic PF from an inflammatory disease it’s always there but I find water bottles put in freezer to freeze rolled on base of feet for ten mins helps give a bit of relief 👍🏼

Thanks, I will try that
Thanks for the reply, I'm ok with my feet. Sorry to hear your going through a similar experience. I've thought about seeing a chiropractor shame they don't do it on the NHS do you find it helps? X
I’ve just finished 9 months of laser therapy treatment for plantar fasciitis. It has pretty much healed my foot. Ironically, just as my one foot got better, my other started hurting. I’m trying to find other methods of personal care before going in for treatment for it.
Hi Mo I have had back/hip pain for a long time. At the moment it is very bad and I have been given naproxen by the hospital. It is an anti inflammatory and hopefully will help. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
I've been on naproxen also but now on Pregablin & zapain but make me very drowsy so I try not to take during the day. Sorry your suffering it gets you down doesn't it I'm 41 but feel 90 🤦♀️ x
Currently dealing with a lower back spasm and pain in hips on and off. I had a scan showing narrowing of spine on left and bulging discs L5 possibly affecting sciatic nerve. This may or may not explain my leg and foot problems being mostly left sided
Goodness, sorry to hear is there anything they can do? are they putting a treatment plan in place for you x
Thanks for your sympathy. Apparently it's not serious enough for surgery or anything. A lot of people have this sort of damage by the time they're in their fifties. Don't necessarily experience the pain?! I was seeing a physio,but couldn't do the exercises. Now waiting on pain clinic who have specialised physios if necessary.
Hi I had exactly the same 4 yeats ago and still do in hips mainly of a night but back all day long, had xray showed nothing done physio no use then mri which showed buldging discs 1 touching nerve that pain was horrible could not walk, it recently started up again so and are sending me for another mri as its effects my leg again. Hope you get it sorted quickly and get answers.
Thank you, sorry to hear your going through awful pain again. Mine has been persistent everyday since October its so draining. I'm going to speak to my physio Thursday when I have my appointment and beg for an mri in addement there's something wrong. X
Hello so sad to hear your strugglesI totally understand this pain too, it moves about I notice like there's a gremlin🤪 in my body wearing DMs and yealding a hammer wherever it wants around my body🥺however my physio said they can't refer for another mri. The Dr or consultant should be the one to refer, there is a lot of passing the buck for referrals I find. Whoever refers pay for it.
Trying to not be stationery by sitting or standing too much, it doesn't stop the pain but being as mobile as possible can be beneficial.
Blessings to I wish you some comfort 🙏
I got the referral after self referring to general NHS physio service locally. The doctor didn't think I need anything beyond blood tests.
Hi Mo222,
I’m sorry you are having new, added pain. I also have pain in my back and hips. That’s really where my fibro pain tends to be located, though I have a burning ache in my arms and upper back that I don’t notice much cause of my back/hip pain. I have been diagnosed with stenosis in my L5 and also with osteoarthritis in my hips. However, I do get stretches of complete freedom of pain every now and then. The last one lasted 3 weeks last summer. It was bliss! I never realize how much pain I’m in until I experience days when it’s gone. Because of these pain free days/weeks, I know it’s fibromyalgia more than the arthritis and stenosis. My pain is in the joints and muscles, especially the one involving sciatica.
The only things I have found to be helpful is deep acupressure. I use a tennis ball and place it between the spot that I think is the trigger point and the bed/floor and place as much weight on it as I can bear. It is very painful, and it seems strange that adding more pain can actually reduce the place of pain, but it works. As soon as one place releases I move it to the next (the pain always seems to shift from one location to another!). So does a deep massage (I am blessed with my hubby who does an excellent job of putting lots of pressure with the massage), and ice treatment on the area. Dry Needling has also helped, except for new pain I’m having on the right side now. Somehow that method (done by my chiropractor ) is making it worse.
I hope some of these recommendations are helpful.
I was testing a post as have been unable to do this recently. There has been mention of hip pain on John Dee’s Cauldron recently. I saw this as my OH has been complaining of hip pain for a few months.
Yes I've suffered from back and hip pain a long time before I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.
I've been to chiropractors who clicked my back and probably caused more damage...... and even to a naturopath who claimed that she could feel my coccyx moving just by putting her hand just above my back!!! I have wasted hundreds of pounds and I am still no better off!!
The pain in my lower back is agony and I can't sit ANYWHERE without my support cushion( it has a hole cut out of where your coccyx is and relieves the pressure)
I also have hip pain, so I understand what you are going through. I was born with dislocated hips. I remember a picture of me when I was a baby with huge splints on to hold my hip joint in place. As a teenager and im my 20's my hips would often pop out of their sockets. I used to physically bash my hips with my fist to get the joint back in!!!! Now I have Fibromyalgia my hip pain has come back. I suddenly woke in the night just 2 days ago with a huge pain in the hip I was laying on, the pain was that bad the it woke me up.
Right now my hips are aching like mad!!!
I have made some enquiries for physio for Fibromyalgia and I try and keep active on the days when I'm not in pain.
Wishing you a good weekend Xx
Bless you, Friday was a bad day for me to I'm always throbbing with pain by the end of the week from working had a rest day yesterday & today I feel rested and a bit better but the vicious circle starts again tomorrow 😭 x
That's good news to hear that you have had a couple of rest days👍 today is my rest day.... I could have easily gone home sick from work yesterday. The pain was ripping through my body and all the while I was smiling(or should I say pretending to everyone at work that I wasn't in pain!!) and getting on with my day!!
I catch a bus to work everyday as I don't drive. I have to walk just passed the station to get to my bus stop. The walk is about 15 mins although yesterday it took me 25 mins, I could bearly walk!! Coming home I jumped in a taxi from the station, I couldn't face walking/ couldn't walk too well!!!
Do you work Monday-Friday then??? I only work 4 days a week and get Sunday's, Wednesdays and Fridays off!! Work life balance is so important, especially when you are living with chronic pain. 😢

I feel your pain, its so tough holding down a job when your body is throbbing in pain. I only work part time Mon-Fri I wish I could do more but with my health conditions I literally can't even working just part time I can barely manage that, my partner keeps telling me to pack it in but easier said than done especially now everything is going up. That's good you can have rest days in between I really do sympathise sending hugs x
Awwh thank you xxx Yes it is really tough but luckily my husband does all the cooking and cleaning and washing up so really when I get home from work there isn't much to do 👍On Saturday night when I got home I was in a bit of a state. I was exhausted from being in pain all day and I was crying with the pain and for a minute I wanted to stop working altogether!!! Yes I agree with you, really I don't have any friends who I socialise outside of work( two friends have stabbed me in the back) and I find it hard to trust anyone now!! I like going to work, as sad as it sounds its my social life😬
I'm on the bus home now, I've had a really good day no pain Hurrah 🥳🥳
Hope you have had a pain free day.
Take care and lots of Fibro hugs back Xx 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Sounds like you have a supportive husband to me mine isn't only my partner but best friend & been my rock through my bad days. So pleased for you you've had a good day such a relief when you have those good days. Im the same work is my only place I go really and to see my daughter/grandkids haven't had a social life for a long time because of this illness I find it hard to tell people & open up about my situation so it's good to come on here and be as open as you want to be. Have a lovely evening, & I hope tomorrows another good day for you Xx
So glad that you have a supportive and a loving partner. My husband and I have been together for 23 years and like you he is my best friend and probably the only person who sees the 'Fibro' me!! He is amazing and when I'm in pain he looks after me and is constantly running up and down the stairs for me( I can't climb my stairs anymore) and he even moved our bedroom downstairs too!!!
Thank you, let's just hope that tomorrow is a good day for us both too!!
I agree this forum has been a real comfort and I hope you have a lovely evening too
Take care Xx
Hi iv have had fibromyalgia for many years like you had many tests x-ray MRI but nothing show up. I also don't get much sleep may be 4 hours.
Yes every day is a battle.
I thought I was alone until now. You're not alone. This is a hidden illness.
Hi Mo222, I’m sorry to hear of your struggles….. I use an osteopath to help with back and hip pain I see her once a month it’s a very gentle treatment but it’s amazing the difference but find one that people recommend….. I also do stretches every day yoga style gentle again you can find yoga for fibromyalgia on YouTube….. that has made a difference too…. I’m walking every other day now mainly flat areas the difference is my body is stronger so is able to carry me better…. I also follow an anti inflammatory diet so no wheat dairy caffeine or meat I’ve been doing this for over 6 months and the difference is very noticeable I couldn’t walk ten steps when I started but managed nearly 2miles yesterday! I still get pain but generally I only take paracetamol…. All the best x
OMG you sound just like me!My hips, spine-back are agony and have been for Months!
I get up in the morning and from the second I open my eyes I’m in agony. Until I go to bed and even then I don’t get a proper nights sleep ever!
Somedays I don’t know what to do with myself with regards to the pain I Really Really don’t know!
I take such strong opiates already plus a pain patch what else can I do?
What else can any of us do?
Its so sad I could cry and I do…..wishing all my fibro friends on here an OK Monday xx
Have same and xray tomorrow for back..am sure hip pain which travels to my groin area of right leg and is extremely painful...also on the left side have pain in my side which is a deep muscle type pain and feel like my spine is being compressed when I stand for any more than a minute also my bowels are affected when any pressure from going upstairs for example with a laundry basket which is embarrassing when I have no control of it. I do not have fibro. I have systemic sclerosis and severe osteoarthritis in my knees.
You poor thing, good luck with your xray. Did they pick up your osteoarthritis and sclerosis from an mri or xray? X
After an accident at work to my knees ...and many ops...I developed the osteoarthritis due to the injury. The systemic sclerosis was from being in hospital with pneumonia for the third time and being really ill before this over two years with my doctor not knowing why or what was causing the many symptoms I was showing then the consultant at the hospital was by chance in the ward I was in and the charge nurse asked if she would have a look at me ...believe it or not she took a look at my feet and announced that I had scleroderma! I had no idea that this was what was wrong with me and a blood test along with all my weird symptoms proved her right.
Hi yes I have hip back lower back arm pain and sometimes in my ribs and sternum it does get you down I take ibuprofen and CBD stick which I rub onto the area and magnesium malate, NAC & MSM caps this helps me a little makes the pain bearable
I get it terribly - it's hips and lower back and it also radiates out to the sides of my ribs which are also painful to touch. The only thing that helps is deep tissue massage which you can't get with NHS physios and it's £30 for half an hour which I can only afford occasionally. If I could have it weekly it would make a huge difference to my life. With the constant increase in cost of living I'm not sure I'll be able do afford it even occasionally soon. I really wish the modern physio would accept that exercises can only do so much when it comes to fibromyalgia! Good luck with your investigations
Aside from good suggestions above what's been said in similar threads and has helped me is:
a soft topper, plus a lambskin just under my lower back and thighs/hips made quite a bit of difference,
there are also about 10 supps for pain, the most 'normal' ones being magnesium malate and CoQ10,
an acupressurist got all the local pains down that I couldn't, and I'm now able to keep them down using lots of self-applied acupressure and exercises/stretches.
Just as an update to hip pain which I have and commented on...I have figured it out as a bursa which is causing my hip pain. Just time will sort this out. Just wish it were as simple an explanation for my back pain. But, x.ray has been taken and awaiting results for this.
Just an update.... Spoke to my physio asked if I could be referred for mri basically a no no. As I'm not having the inability to control bowels or bladder or numbness/pins & needles in the groin area. Does it have to get to that bad to be taken seriously 🤦♀️ I'm close to tears everyday & my mental isn't great. I haven't had a back/hip pain free day since October, to me that tells me there is something not right but because my xray came back fine she said there's no need for mri.