Back/hip pain : Please help people... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Back/hip pain

mo222 profile image
40 Replies

Please help people advice needed. Wrote a post on here a week or so ago regarding back/hip pain. I'm able to move around but I'm close to tears everyday my physio won't refer me for an mri as I'm not loosing control of bladder/bowels or experiencing numbness in the groin area and said as my xrays come back ok there would be no need which I find silly as I'm pretty sure you can't see certain things on an xray as you would on an mri. I don't want to waste anyones time at the hospital but close to going as I don't know what else to do. But also don't want to sit for hours if I'm told there's nothing they can do. Medication isn't doing anything, I've had physio for 5 weeks & still no change my symptoms are general pains, tingling/pins & needles type of pain but now also getting pains in my neck I'm guessing it's connected from my back/hip pain I'm trying to do a physical job which is literally wiping me to the floor when I get home because of the pain. Would the hospital do an mri if I did go does anyone think?

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mo222 profile image
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40 Replies
SnazzyD profile image

Sounds miserable and raises some questions. What does the physio say they are treating exactly? Who diagnosed whatever musculoskeletal issue they think you have? A specialist? As you say, x-rays don’t pick up everything and it also seems odd that their criteria for needing an MRI is losing your bodily functions. Have your blood markers for inflammation been checked amongst others?

In your previous post, you said the request for an MRI can only come from the physio which does strike me as odd. Where is the GP in all this?

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to SnazzyD

I agree SnazzyD I thought this also my gp said the physio would be the person to refer me but she won't. I haven't actually had any diagnosis 🤦‍♀️ Ive been doing stretches everyday for weeks makes me wonder what will happen once my physio is over. I'm not seeing her face to face either it's a phone call every 2 weeks & the stretches are on an app. Going out my mind I just want to know what's wrong with me x

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to mo222

This is poor. Next time press her for a rationale for her treatment. In order to prescribe a set of exercises they need to know what they are trying to treat or at least have a working assumption. You have a right to know what they think you have. Did the GP not say what they thought you needed a physio for? I really think you need to see another GP and before you go, write down what symptoms you have and how it affects your life. Take someone along with you if possible.

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to SnazzyD

One gp said it could be mechanical but could be in my eyes isn't good enough without having an mri & ruling out other things. I'm going to get on to them Monday I just feel that now they've past me on to physio they won't do much. Forgot to say when I said to the physio about mri she said she wouldn't have a good enough reason when they asked her to why I would need an mri, just fobbing me of I feel. Thank you for your support you get more help on here x

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to mo222

Well you’ve done your exercises for long enough and they haven’t helped, so back to the drawing board for them. It isn’t up to the physio to make other diagnoses that are beyond their skill set. So, perhaps there is no musculoskeletal reason to justify an MRI (or other scans as well) but there may be other reasons that aren’t their call. Try to get copies of your blood tests so you know what they are checking and ask questions all the time so you understand what is going on.

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to SnazzyD

Thank you SnazzyD ❤️

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to SnazzyD

Yes, I was sent for an MRI by the physio because the GP wasn't able to. Absolutely showed up what could not be seen on X-ray.

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to MaggieSylvie

That's reassuring to know, my physio said because I've had xray & it was ok no need for mri 😣 which I'm not happy about to be honest. Can I ask if you don't mind what they found on your mri x

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to mo222

An x-ray for general purposes showed an angulated vertebra in thorax. Later, an MRI showed three compression fractures in the lumbar region as well. It is possible that an earlier MRI might have caught these before the little "accidents" I had that produced such excruciating pain. So in all, four compression fractures. My chiropractor said you could see them on the x-ray but hospital staff may well have not been able to interpret them.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to MaggieSylvie

I wonder if only the physio can order an MRI for musculoskeletal issues but I can’t see how they can be responsible for deciding if an issue is say, gynaecological or other organ based. There must be a point where they have to hand the baton back to the GP. At least that’s what has happened in all the years I’ve worked with GP’s up to 5 years ago. Also, in my experience as a patient with numerous sports injuries, a rheumatological problem, medication induced tendon damage, surgery knock-ons and cancer, the knowledge and experience in physios I’ve come across is very variable indeed. It has ranged from not seeming to be able to discuss beyond a script or flow-chart to having enough depth to rival a specialist doctor.

Poor you, I have all this to, but claustrophobic, won’t have mri, and can’t seem to get a nhs open mri anywhere.Have you tried heat, and tens, don’t put the tens directly on the pain, put it above or below.

I finally found out I had nerve damage in my neck and spine, so that’s why my pain is bad.

If physio won’t refer you, which is crazy, go back and see your doctor, and explain your situation, and ask them to refer you, you have every right to find out what it is.

Good luck, gentle healing hugs 🤗

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to

Thank you for your kind words blue52, your completely right, I will ring Monday last time I went I was upset that's when they referred me for the xray. How did you find out you had nerve damage was it from xray? I haven't tried tens but will look into it X

in reply to mo222

You are welcome, yes through multiple X-rays, they are still pushing for an mri, but if they don’t find me an open one, it’s never going to happen. As they think I need surgery, and have to check bones, and discs.Yes definitely call Monday and push for what you need.

I can’t use tens anymore, now I know, but if it’s muscular, then yes try it, anything to give you some relief. X

worried4me5 profile image

Hi mo222,

I had a back and hip spasms in January, and also injured my knee around the same time. I've been for an x-ray in February but my GP also requested an ultrasound (which I am still waiting for!).

I won't get my results until Thursday for my x-ray. But I was thinking that the ultrasound might be the next port of call if my GP seems to think I needed both. I don't know if you've already had an ultrasound but it's worth discussing options with your GP regardless.

Good Luck,

Ang x

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to worried4me5

Thanks for your reply, sounds like you've got a good g.p. Sorry to hear your going through a similar thing. Wish I could go private, Let me know how your xray results go x

Jackie0212 profile image

If the physio isn't helping see if they will refer you to hydrotherapy.

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to Jackie0212

Thank you I will mention it x

Shazz01 profile image

Not sure if I’ve missed it but have you ever been seen by rheumatologist x

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to Shazz01

I haven't no Shazz01, feel like I'm getting nowhere wish I had the money to go private x

Shazz01 profile image
Shazz01 in reply to mo222

I think rheumatology would be the first specialist you should see if it’s musculoskeletal they can refer for mri if they feel it’s needed x

BeccaBoo456 profile image

To start with I would defo go back to the GP and explain the pain and how bad it is and tell them you need some stronger painkillers. Tell them how it’s affecting you day to day and unable to do your job. What is it you’re taking at the moment? What medication do you take for fibro?

Also regarding an MRI, GP can refer you for one but chances are if the physio has refused then they won’t as they’re the ‘expert’ you’ve been referred to.

Have you ever had a face to face consultation with the physio? As without them physically examining you and pressing places to feel your pain areas I’m not sure how they can do a thorough evaluation.

Really hope you find something to help 😔 xx

BeccaBoo456 profile image
BeccaBoo456 in reply to BeccaBoo456

Also one thing that really helps me is my plug-in heat mat. I literally use it all day every day n it helps so much. Think I got it off Amazon x

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to BeccaBoo456

I've really tried 😓 it took me breaking down beacuse of the pain to even get an xray. I agree with you there regarding mri my only option is to push with my physio again. It's a phone call every 2 weeks, I'm also given stretches on an app would have much preferred face to face. I'm on zapain & Pregablin was on naproxen beforehand. X

MaggieSylvie profile image

If you can afford it and can find a physiotherapist near you, try myofascial release. You don't have to do anything. They press and stretch and can find the problems. That did me more good than Chinese medicine, acupuncture or osteopathy. Pregabalin helps me now in many ways.

MaggieSylvie profile image

I think it's wrong that GPs' first action is to refer patients to physiotherapists. They ask whether it's muscular pain or bone pain. Well, I didn't know. I went to physio and then to the pain clinic. By the time my hematologist had somewhat routinely requested an x-ray and seen that I had an angulated vertebra, it was too late to do anything about it, so now I have to live with the pain and restricted activities.

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to MaggieSylvie

Oh no Maggie that's terrible. I think they hope by referring you to physio that by doing stretches it will help, it may do in some people's cases but 5 weeks in I'm the same if not worse. I used to go to the gym 4 times a week I haven't been able to go since October, well I've tried & had to leave. Sorry there's nothing more they can do for you it must be frustrating x

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to mo222

It is. I'm trying to pack for a holiday where I don't know what to wear so that I'm not too cold or too hot and my whole back aches from bending over the little suitcase on the bed. I've packed and repacked twice! Think I've got the layering right now, mostly with old clothes! But now have to rest. Resting is not me when I've got things to do.

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to MaggieSylvie

Ouch, I find when bending over the bath to wash my hair with the shower its a killer. I hope you have a lovely holiday, anywhere nice? X

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to mo222

Northern Cyprus.

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to MaggieSylvie

Lovely, Hope you have a relaxing time x

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to mo222

I don't know about the first week - sightseeing trips - but the second week should be totally slobbish.

cazvader profile image

I have Fibro, also have had groin, hip, & back pain + Problem with bowels & bladder for 4 years. Not had a full nights sleep in them 4 years Told me it was siatica. Then depression. ( sure they thought I was hankering after a sicknote.) Finally had MRI, they found trapped root nerves got to see spinal team, and they found a benign tumour ( which i know about on my right kidney) but it has grown niw have to see specialist about that as well. So if your not happy push for the MRI. Hope you feel better soon

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to cazvader

Thank you for your reply sorry to hear that cazvader sounds like you've had a rough few years I sympathise. Like you I never have a solid sleep. Just as well you had the mri this is exactly my point I know something is wrong it feels like a nerve issue if I'm honest. I am going to push for an mri until I get one 😣. Good luck with your upcoming appointments x

cazvader profile image
cazvader in reply to mo222

Good luck to you too keep pushing.😀

Cristianaldo profile image

I have the same problems. I've been told that Fibro is not diagnosed but only if all else is excluded.... My X-ray and ultrasound were "normal" and my markers for inflammation normal too. Had steroid injections x2 - no effect, did exercises at home 6 months - no effect in fact worse. Been on amitryptiline, and others over the years - no lasting effect. MRI negative. Where does one go from here? I am waiting for a Rheumatology referral although the GP says it's not really what's needed, but Musculo-skeletal did nothing either as X-rays negative. A merry-go-round!

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to Cristianaldo

You poor thing, I'm finding that to be honest that the physio seems to have made me worse. Must be very frustrating for you I was diagnosed with fibro/m.e 10 years ago I've always suffered with bad tiredness but pain wise I've been up & down over the years I had a really good spell but these past 6 months I do feel there is more to it rather than just fibro. Feel like I will never know if they don't rule out other things. I hope you manage to get somewhere with your issues, sending hugs x

Lupusrelative profile image

I can’t believe that you only have phone appointments with physio. Then are pointed to an app for stretches! How does the physio know that you are doing them correctly? You might be doing more harm than good.

mo222 profile image
mo222 in reply to Lupusrelative

Thanks for your reply, I know 🤦‍♀️ I never even thought of that point that I could be doing more harm than good. I'm not happy with the service to be honest. X

JayCeon profile image

Sorry to say so, but apart from reducing physio to baby steps at home (youtube videos) and changing to gentle, listening physios, like the other good advice given, it mainly sounds to me as if you are overdoing it at work, i.e. the only way out is to stop (sick leave), change (working types, conditions, look and apply for help in this on our main website, FMA UK, Hazel_Angelstar can point you there) or if you don't: crash.... - so best change something soon...

BlueTofu profile image

After seeing a general physio I say an advanced physio who referred me for a full spine MRI. Doing physio to the extent they wanted, made me hurt worse. Do you have any local disability charities who can advocate for you?

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